My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The entire story is chockful of eye-opening twists and turns and a more appropriate title I cannot possibly imagine!
Months after the events in Galveston, Claire Abelard is back in Boston at Bureau headquarters, giving yet another account of what occurred there. This time, high-level officials from the world headquarters in Paris are present to hear for themselves what had transpired. After Claire answers the same questions asked during the previous three interrogations, the leadership committee is still dragging its feet, unmoved by the disappearances of rogue entities, disbelieving of her evidence that another secret organization known as “The Syndicate” is responsible. Also, rather than supporting her actions to save the rogue ghosts of Galveston, the committee is taking a hardline approach to her unsanctioned activities.
To make matters worse, Claire’s new love interest, Drew Mitchell, a rare Level 5 sensitive with Force Perceptive Acumen, was recruited by the Bureau after the Galveston incidents and is concluding his training regimen in Boston. Bureau leadership is greatly impressed with his abilities and performance. He is almost guaranteed to be assigned to a role at headquarters, ending any chance the two may have at a long-term relationship.As she agonizes over what to do since the Bureau seems disinclined to get involved in helping the rogues, Claire’s brother, Zach, who is a Bureau VP, asks her to return to headquarters to listen to a plan he’s developed. But Claire also receives a call for help from Jeff Holden, one of the Bureau’s New Orleans agents and an old boyfriend. Something dangerous and weird is happening to the rogue projections down in The Big Easy, and the Bureau’s official answer to the problem is to destroy the rogue spirits!
Revelations is the second book in The Ghost Agents Trilogy by author Nita DeBorde and a more appropriate title I cannot imagine! Nothing is as it first appears and no one is off-limits from having secrets! The entire story is chockful of eye-opening twists and turns! And I really enjoyed getting to see behind the scenes at the Bureau, the Syndicate, and, of course, the dark world of the ghosts.Claire continues to be a heroine I can root for as she presses ahead in her search for the truth about what’s happening to the rogue projections (the ghosts not under the protection of the Bureau). Her clandestine investigations are the main plotline for everything that occurs.
I loved the Galveston setting of book one, and the change of venue to Boston and New Orleans certainly did not disappoint. The immensely entertaining spirit of Jean Lafitte returns, and the new locations provide a wealth of opportunities for the ghosts of additional historical figures to make appearances. I laughed out loud at some of Paul Revere’s characteristics and mannerisms. The author also slips in interesting and delightful snippets of history as our protagonists investigate their way across these two great cities.Readers are introduced to several other Bureau figures, adding to the Ghost Agents’ world-building and increasing our understanding of its history, mission, operations, and politics. So much secrecy, suspicion, and surprising loyalty switches all make for an exciting story of danger, hidden agendas, and betrayal, with Claire Abelard, who is only now realizing her own unique abilities, at the center of it all. The book ends at a very exciting point in the story with a cliffhanger ending, so I will be waiting with great anticipation for the resolution and finale in book three.
If you haven’t read Ghost Agents, Revelations might be hard to get into; so much of its story depends on knowledge from the previous novel, but I highly recommend it to fans of book one. I recommend The Ghost Agents Trilogy to readers of mystery fiction who enjoy a paranormal element in their puzzles, especially those who like ghost stories.View all my reviews