Monday, September 16, 2024

Review Tour & Giveaway: Bright Midnights (The Limerent, #2) by L.S. Delorme

The Limerent, Book Two
LS Delorme

New Adult Paranormal Romance Thriller

Publisher: Limerent Publishing LLC

Publication Date: October 2, 2023

Page count: 309 pages



Amelie has always been different.

Most high school students find life challenging, but 17-year-old Amelie has a lot more to contend with than typical teenage angst. Ever since she turned 11, others have been irresistibly drawn to her—with tragic consequences. Her only escape is at night when she flies to different times and places through her “dreams”. Her life begins to change when, on one of her flights, she meets Clovis, an alluring and mysterious young man who hides a secret.

As Amelie finds herself increasingly drawn to him, she learns his story, how it intertwines with her own and finally discovers how to live her life in the real world. Until her own secrets are revealed to the wrong people and that world turns upside down.


Hudson tried one more time to raise his head and lift the thing in his hands. Everyone in the class just stared at him. The front of Amelie’s forehead suddenly exploded with images, and the lighted words from the cereal box this morning made sense.

“Low. Sugar. Bad.”

“He’s not drunk,” Amelie snapped. “That’s a glucose meter. He’s diabetic.”

Amelie dropped her notebook and ran to the door, falling to her knees beside Hudson. She had a vague notion that this hurt and she would be bruised later, before she grabbed Hudson’s head. She didn’t know if people in insulin shock had seizures or not, but that didn’t matter. She knew what to do. She had been told by something more reliable than memory. Low blood sugar was bad.

What to do? Okay, Elodie had her phone. What else? Jack, he always ate breakfast at his desk. Today it was a bottle of orange juice. Thank god.

“Elodie, call 911—now! Jack, throw me your OJ,” Amelie snapped.

Jack just smirked at her, completely disengaged in the fact that another human being was in crisis. A wave of fury replaced the images in Amelie’s head, making everything around her look shiny, sharp, and red. The world began to move in slow motion. She turned, her eyes met Jack’s, and she let her well-constructed shields drop … just drop. The energy that flowed out of her felt glorious.

“Jack, throw me your OJ, now,” she “softly this time. She saw the shocked look on Jack’s face, but he immediately grabbed the OJ and tossed it to her. The chemical wave that seemed to be her birthright rolled over him, through him, past him and across the class … person by person, face by face.


5 stars!

Thrilling new adult paranormal romance! 

Bright Midnights may be the second book in author L.S. Delorme’s enthralling new adult paranormal romance Limerent series, but readers just discovering it will easily be able to step right into the tale. This book and its predecessor are what can be termed foundational, introducing characters, themes, and storylines that stand alone but will eventually converge in a future volume. 

I was initially attracted to the book by its intriguing premise and quickly became a fan upon getting to know the story’s main character, Amelie McCormick. Her lifelong and self-guarded secret struggles with her health immediately drew my sympathy, as did her difficult relationship with her family, especially her mother. Amelie’s circumstances felt unique among the majority of the books of this genre, with her hillbilly-ish family and her acceptance into her high school’s elite crowd. Just at face, her problems were going to be different, and these differences lent themselves to some fresh interactions and situations. The unique ways her powers affected her classmates, teachers, and anyone in her vicinity when she relaxed her restraint were fascinating, also leading to surprising, unanticipated results. Her flying forays into her dream world will strike a chord with many. The sequences are vivid and eerie, and much like what we all experience at times, but hopefully, without the surprise crossovers into the physical waking world Amelie has. Just a reminder that this book is intended for a new adult audience. The story is related through multiple points of view, and there is a creepy sexual interest in the main character by a vice principal at the school, and readers sensitive to such should take note. 

With its engaging and relatable main character and its fresh, intriguing plot, I recommend BRIGHT MIDNIGHTS to readers who enjoy paranormal romance, suspense, and thrillers.


Lexy is the author of the “Limerent” novel series. She has also been a travel writer and author of The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Hong Kong and An Expat Mom’s unofficial Guide to Disneyland Paris. She is an ex-rock musician, ex-science grad, recovering attorney and now an expat writer. Her love of writing stems from an eclectic life. As a navy “brat,” she grew up in various states across the US until her father retired to North Carolina when she was a teenager. As an adult, she has continued this “tumbleweed” life, having since lived in 3 countries, 9 US states, and 21 cities around the world. But, through all this change, her love of writing has been the one constant. Writing the Limerent Series allows her to use her unusual past to help create new worlds. Lexy now lives in Paris with her husband and two very cool sons.


The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Book Blast & Giveaway: Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin, MD

Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin, MD Banner


by Joel Shulkin, MD

September 16-20, 2024 Book Blast


Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin, MD

Death Benefits


Stephen Englehart, an Armed Forces medical examiner. dedicates his life to bringing peace to the families of fallen soldiers. Tagged as one of the best, he’s able to spot forensic clues others miss. But when the body of a US Marine, supposedly burned beyond recognition, shows up with hardly a scratch, even Stephen is stumped. Were the bodies switched? Then, in the middle of the autopsy, the impossible happens.

The soldier wakes up.

Something incredible—and dangerous—is happening to the military’s elite, and Stephen may be the only one who can figure it out. And when Stephen’s sister, a Green Beret, goes missing, the entire military machine seems designed to stop him from finding her. To find the truth and save his sister, one man must stand against an army. Can he be the hero he never thought he could?

Praise for Heroic Measures:

"A rollercoaster ride filled with thrills and intrigue."
~ Reader's Favorite

"A high-octane blend of action and intrigue where the momentum rarely lets up."
~ Book Viral Reviews

"A powder-keg combination of military, medical, and technothriller. Buckle in for a wild and suspenseful ride."
~ Meg Gardiner, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"Rips through twists and turns that will make you dizzy."
~ Lisa Black, New York Times bestselling author

"If you want a fast, heart-pounding thriller that you can't put down, make Heroic Measures your next read."
~ Jennifer Graeser Dornbush, crime author

"If you love a good thriller, Heroic Measures is a must-read...With plot twists around every corner, this novel will have you hooked from the very first page, making it a great choice for just about any reader."
~ Book Nerdection

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller (forensic military thriller with superhero and sci-fi tropes)
Published by: Zero Dark Publications
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Number of Pages: 382
ISBN: 979-8990018808
Series: Death Benefits
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | BookBub | Goodreads || Additional Formats & Editions - including Hardcover and Audio

Read an excerpt:


The first thing US Marine Corporal Mark Greenwood noticed when he woke up half-buried in a sand dune was the intense heat. He hated the heat. He hated the desert.

So, when he realized he was on fire, he was downright pissed.

“Shit!” he shouted, and patted his burning arms. He rolled in the sand until he managed to douse the flames on his head and shoulders.

When he was sure he was no longer burning, he stood and assessed his situation. He was outside the ruins of what looked like some kind of medical building. Chunks of rubble lay scattered around him, half burying the broken and charred bodies of what he assumed had once been human men. A smoke trail rose from inside the building and twisted away on a dust devil. The interior walls glowed amber. Mark sniffed the air. Odors of propellant, charcoal, and blood assaulted him. An air traffic control tower loomed over him, and beyond it, an air strip stretched toward the horizon.

Pain shot through his skull. Electric.

He jammed one palm against the back of his head—it felt wet, sticky. He gnashed his teeth.

“Relief,” he whispered. “Relief, damn it.”

A cool wave washed over his body. The pain subsided.

The corporal lowered his hand. Blood covered it. Blood and some kind of grayish stuff.

The world around him shimmered, like a mirage. He squeezed his eyes shut and counted to ten, then opened them again. Blinked several times. No more shimmering. Better.

It’d been a long time since he’d felt pain like that. Something must’ve hit him hard. But he didn’t have time to figure out what it was.

“Foxtrot team,” he said into his radio, his voice deep and raspy. “What’s your position?”

The radio crackled and hissed.

“This is Greenwood. Hostiles are down. I repeat. Hostiles are down. Awaiting orders.”

Still no response.

“Sergeant, where the fuck are you?”

Automatic rifles popped in the distance. Mark scanned the ground. Where was his M27?

More gunfire. Well, he didn’t need a rifle, anyway.

Pebbles kicked up in a wake behind him as he sprinted across the sand.

Something felt off. His right leg wobbled with each footfall. He had to fight to keep his six-foot frame balanced as he ran. After a few seconds, he stopped and looked down.

A jagged piece of white bone poked through his Combat Utility Uniform below the knee. The camouflage was stained black.

“Shit on a stick.” Mark bent over to push the bone back into place. Pain shot up his thigh. Gritting his teeth, he kept his fingertip pressed on the bone and started counting. He could feel the bone weaving together, and when he reached sixty, he let go. The bone still felt unstable, but it would have to do. He resumed his sprint.

The Humvee stood perched atop a dune half a klick away, the front passenger tire flat. He spotted Lance Corporal John Kirby inside the armored turret, manning the M2 cannon. He couldn’t see Sergeant Grant or the others.

Movement caught his eye. Off to the left.

Two soldiers holding rifles raced toward the Humvee.

A fly buzzed by his ear. Mark swatted it away and focused.


Something popped inside his skull. Tiny shocks jolted his brain, forcing him to stop running. He pressed both palms against his head and roared in agony.

“Relief. Relief. Relief.”

The pain washed away. He lowered his hands.

Eliminate all resistance.

The voice came from inside his head. Toneless. Genderless. Commanding.

Adrenaline surged through his body. The last remnants of pain vanished.

Mark squinted. The hostiles were only a quarter klick from the Humvee. Why wasn’t Kirby shooting at them? It was almost like . . .

Eliminate all resistance.

With a grunt, Mark ran. Harder. Faster. He closed the distance in less than five seconds.

The hostiles turned and raised their rifles.

He ripped their weapons away, snapping their wrists. The hostiles screamed.

He tossed one rifle to the ground and swung the other with both hands. The stock smashed in the face of one of the hostiles. The other tried to run. Mark shot him in the back, turned, and finished off the one he’d battered.

Another fly buzzed in his ear. He wiggled his finger in the canal until it stopped. Fucking desert bugs.

Someone shouted from the Humvee.

The M2 roared to life, fifty-caliber rounds whizzing through the air.

Mark froze. Why was Kirby firing at him?

A round slammed into Mark’s shoulder, ripping a hole through the muscle. He screamed and forced himself to stare through the haze of white-hot pain at the Humvee turret.

No, it wasn’t Kirby. Son of a bitch. That was why he hadn’t shot at the hostiles. The man at the cannon was a hostile.

Another round grazed his thigh. Rage burned a swath through his body. He threw away the rifle and dashed toward the Humvee.

The cannon kept firing at him. He ignored the rounds pummeling his body armor, even the ones that managed to penetrate his side and abdomen.

Mark scrambled over the Humvee’s hood and leaped onto the roof.

The hostile punched at him. Mark caught the fist and twisted, hearing and feeling a loud crack.

That earned a scream. Mark grabbed the hostile’s throat with his other hand. He squeezed, and the neck snapped.

Mark hurled the lifeless body onto the sand.


The voice sounded familiar. Mark looked down.

A US Marine stood next to the Humvee, aiming an SSW40 grenade launcher at him. It took a moment for the corporal to recognize Sergeant Gardner Grant. He was about Mark’s height and build but lacked the hard edges. On the ground nearby, another Marine nursed her injured leg with one hand and leveled an M18 pistol with the other. Corporal Micaela Deodato.

Grant’s eyes widened, his lips twisting into a grimace as he asked, “What the hell happened to you?”

Mark tried to process a response but couldn’t. He’d just saved them from the hostiles. Why were they pointing guns at him?

“Why did you kill those men?”

Again, Mark stumbled over the question. But this time he was able to find an answer. “I was following orders.”

“Not my orders. Whose?”

Eliminate all resistance.

The world shimmered. That fucking fly buzzed in his ear again.

Mark rubbed his eyes and squinted.

Something about Grant’s face wasn’t right. It looked like him—but it wasn’t. Mark glanced at Deodato. Same with her. Their eyes were cold. Distant.

They’d flipped sides.

Mark swung the M2 around and locked on to Grant.

“You traitors!” he shouted.

“Corporal,” Grant said, keeping the SSW40 trained on Mark. “Stand down.”

Sweat streamed down the corporal’s cheeks. His shoulders tightened. This was total FUBAR. His whole team couldn’t have betrayed him.

Eliminate all resistance.

He tightened his grip on the cannon. It didn’t matter. He had to complete his mission.

“Get down, Sergeant!” Deodato shouted. Her pistol fired.

Bullets streaked toward Mark. One grazed his cheek. The other buried itself in his arm. He roared and rotated the M2 in her direction. The cannon spat at Deodato, and she crumpled to the ground.

The SSW40 in Grant’s hands made a heavy thump-thump sound. Grenades whizzed toward Mark.

The world exploded.


Excerpt from Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin, MD. Copyright 2024 by Joel Shulkin, MD. Reproduced with permission from Joel Shulkin, MD. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Joel Shulkin, MD

Joel Shulkin, MD is the author of Adverse Effects and Toxic Effects, the first two novels in the Memory Thieves series, and he has penned award-winning short stories and poetry. A developmental-behavioral pediatrician and United States Air Force veteran with a master's inpublic health, Joel lives in Florida with his wife, two daughters, and two puppies.

Catch Up With Joel Shulkin, MD:
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Instagram - @drjoelshulkin
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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway: French Quarter Fright Night (Vintage Cookbook Mystery, #3) by Ellen Byron


French Quarter Fright Night
A Vintage Cookbook Mystery
Ellen Byron

Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Setting - the Garden District of New Orleans
Publisher: Severn House
Publication Date: September 3, 2024
Hardcover: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1448312655 / ISBN-13: 978-1448312658




The third in the fabulous cozy mystery series with a vintage flair from USA Today bestselling and Agatha Award-winning author Ellen Byron.

Welcome to the Bon Veeevil Festival of Fear! Prepare for the spookiest night of your life . . .

It's Halloween in New Orleans, and the staff of Bon Vee Culinary House Museum is setting up a fantastic haunted house tour for their visitors. But when flashy movie star Blaine Taggart and his entourage move into the mansion next door, gift shop proprietor Ricki James-Diaz gets a fright of her own.

While Ricki is excited about the potential business the tours will bring to her vintage cookbook shop, she's less thrilled by former friend Blaine's arrival in town. Then Bon Vee's prop tomb becomes a real tomb for Blaine's nasty assistant, and suddenly everyone at Bon Vee is a murder suspect. There isn't a ghost of a chance one of them committed the crime, but with NOPD busy tackling the mischief and mayhem generated by the spooky holiday, it falls on Ricki and her friends to catch the killer.

As the Big Easy gears up for the Big Scary, it seems everyone has skeletons in their closets. Can Ricki reveal the shadowy killer before someone else becomes part of the Halloween horror show?


Amazon | B&N | |


5 stars!

A blast from Ricki’s past threatens the Bon Vee House Halloween celebration. 

French Quarter Fright Night is the third book in author Ellen Byron’s fun and cozy Crescent City-set Vintage Cookbook Mystery series, and the evocative atmosphere of the Garden District manor house-turned-museum is the perfect setting for this Halloween-themed tale of murder. An old acquaintance from Ricki’s past disturbs her healing equilibrium and may threaten the peaceful existence of the Bon Vee in the Garden District. 

Miracle Fleur de Lis James-Diaz, or Ricki as she is known to all, is the main character and amateur sleuth of the series. Surprisingly, she’s given a subtle nod of approval to snoop by the lead detective investigating the murder of the latest victim discovered on the grounds of the historical Bon Vee House, the obnoxious personal assistant of their new neighbor. Ricki marshals her resources to dig into the background, current activities, and future plans of the deceased for clues to her murder with the intention of clearing the names of the museum staff. 

The plot delves into Ricki’s past and her history with her deceased estranged husband, Chris, when the new owner of the home next to Bon Vee proves to be none other than Blaine Taggart, Chris’s former best friend who contributed somewhat to his accidental death. There was trouble brewing between the staff at Bon Vee and Blaine’s due to a constant barrage of unfounded complaints lodged against the museum by Blaine’s assistant. The story builds bit by bit, developing the tense enmity between the neighboring properties and setting a sinister stage until it is almost a relief when the murder occurs. 

The author’s storytelling is engaging and compelling: the story flew by! I liked the glimpses of Eugenia Charbonnet Felice, the grande dame and owner of Bon Vee, thawing in her attitude and manner toward her newly revealed cousin, Ricki, and I literally laughed out loud over the many clever quips and fun banter throughout the book, especially when it involved Cookie or Theo. I enjoyed the interesting historical tidbits that were worked into the story, including the collectible cookbooks and details of the vintage kitchen items. There is also a welcome menagerie of pets to love. With a variety of possible suspects, motives, and subsequent plot twists, I was absorbed in the story and highly entertained from start to finish. 

I recommend FRENCH QUARTER FRIGHT NIGHT to cozy mystery enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy stories set in New Orleans and fans of the previous books in the series.

* See my review of Book Two in the Vintage Cookbook Mystery series, Wined and Died in New Orleans, HERE!


Ellen is a USA Today bestselling author, Anthony nominee, and recipient of multiple Agatha and Lefty awards for her Cajun Country Mysteries, Vintage Cookbook Mysteries, and Catering Hall Mysteries (as Maria DiRico). Her new series, The Golden Motel Mysteries, recently debuted. She is also an award-winning playwright and non-award-winning writer of TV hits like Wings, Just Shoot Me, and Fairly OddParents, but considers her most impressive achievement working as a cater-waiter for Martha Stewart. Visit her at


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September 7 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT
September 8 – The Plain-Spoken Pen – REVIEW, RECIPE
September 9 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
September 10 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT WITH RECIPE
September 10 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
September 11 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
September 11 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIIGHT
September 12 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
September 13 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
September 14 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW
September 14 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
September 15 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
September 16 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW
September 17 – Maureen's Musings - SPOTLIGHT



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Book Review - The Prison Dome II: Bitter Pills by Warren Wagner

The Prison Dome II: Bitter PillsThe Prison Dome II: Bitter Pills by Warren Wagner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very satisfying return to the South Dakota Penitentiary Dome and the lives of its unintended permanent residents.

Thirty years ago, the state of South Dakota developed the “Prison of the Future’ known as the “Dome,” where the prisoners are thrown into an inescapable wilderness area with no onsite warden or guards. “The Dome” is where society sends the worst of the worst, and in all the years of its existence no one has ever fulfilled their sentence and returned home.

The Prison Dome II: Bitter Pills is the sequel to author Warren Wagner’s outstanding debut novel, The Prison Dome: Survive or Die Trying, published in 2021. While most characters are familiar faces, a couple of new, strong personalities step into the spotlight and the resulting plot is riveting.

The Entry Camp has settled into a workable routine with Grant reluctantly agreeing to helm the community and ably assisted by Chuck and Jim. Communication and trade opportunities with the other two established camps, River and Christian, have slowly developed and improved despite the high level of mistrust and suspicion. Still, all the groups exist on the thin edge of failure as food sources, especially larger game, grow scarce, and their agricultural endeavors meet with limited success and are not extensive enough to truly provide what is needed. The author does a great job conveying their fragile existence, always one poor season of crops away from disaster. The tension is heightened by the presence of small, roving bands of prisoners who don’t belong to any of the organized camps and exist by preying on their weaknesses and any perceived opportunities they find.

While Grant has accepted his role as leader of the Entry Camp, Chuck still has an important voice in decision-making. He has stepped back somewhat, consciously trying to avoid any resemblance to Belinda, the former despot of the camp, who enslaved new prisoners as they came through the portal. New to "The Dome" is Melita Albright, separated from her three young children when she was imprisoned for armed robbery. She is a strong female protagonist and, at least initially, a sympathetic character as she did what she did to provide food for those kids. However, I was a little confused by her sudden plan to prostitute herself and other like-minded female prisoners to get out of daily chores. She never resorted to this before coming to "The Dome," and I thought it was out of character. She is quickly disabused of the notion by everyone she mentions it to, thankfully, because there is a delicious slow-burn romance with Chuck brewing.

The plot starts off with a twist when one of the portal guards is shoved into the Dome by a malicious prisoner and can’t be released immediately. This puts the entire prisoner population at risk because the prison forces are going to rescue their man no matter the cost, which includes shooting any prisoner on sight. The action sequences of Tony Russo ending up inside were heart-pounding as he frantically worked to escape the gas bomb, machine gun, and the perceived danger from the inhabitants. Even though he’s observed the Entry Camp prisoners save numerous new inmates’ lives when they are first dumped inside the Dome, he’s bought into the media-manufactured hype regarding what goes on inside and is absolutely terrified.

With the threat of the prison forces entering "The Dome," the unsustainable food resources, and an evil opportunist ready to do anything to bargain his way back outside, THE PRISON DOME II: BITTER PILLS is a fantastic dystopian story and follow-up to the previous novel.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from Reedsy Discovery.

View all my reviews

Friday, September 13, 2024

Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway: Insensible Loss (Endings, #4) by Linda L. Richards

Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards Banner


by Linda L. Richards

September 9 - October 4, 2024 Virtual Book Tour


Insensible Loss by Linda Richards

The Endings Series


Her life is over . . . yet somehow she carries on

After attempting to sever all ties to her life as a hired assassin, a woman struggles to understand who she has become. She knows she doesn't want to kill again--but it proves to be a difficult habit to break, particularly in a world where people are after her and those she loves most.

Adrift and disconnected, she meets an old woman: Imogen O'Brien, a world-famous artist who has spent the last three decades living a hermit-like existence on a rustic desert estate in a national forest. Imogen invites her to stay and work for her, offering mentorship in return as the woman deepens her own interest in art.

What quickly becomes apparent is that elements of Imogen's past are shrouded in danger, sorrow, and darkness. Rather than growing as an artist, the former hitwoman soon finds herself enmeshed in a dangerous mystery with strands that stretch decades into the past.

Praise for Insensible Loss:

"Deception, loss, and the past all collide in this propulsive thriller. A skillfully crafted plot combined with memorable characters makes Insensible Loss a must read."
~ James L’Etoile, award-winning author of Face of Greed and the Detective Nathan Parker series

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Published by: Oceanview Publishing
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-1608095148
Series: The Endings Series, Book 4 | Each is a Stand-Alone
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


I am gazing into an abyss. When I plant my feet on the edge of the cliff, all I see is a canyon yawing below me. I see the canyon, and my feet, tightly laced into trail runners. Below and beyond my tidy feet, red rock can be seen everywhere, edges softened by millennia, but deadly still. And steep.

Arcadia Bluff. It has a gentle sound, this location. But the reality is anything but gentle. A rough rawness that would seem to be able to accommodate anything one pitched in that direction. Wild west. There’s that, but also more. The secrets of an earth so raw and new, it doesn’t know what it wants to be when it grows up.

It happens that the physical landscape matches what is going on in my heart, but this is mere coincidence. And anyway, everything is connected.

I am in a remote part of one of the largest national parks in the United States, and I am all alone, but for my dog.

Again, aside from that dog, I feel as if I have been alone for my whole life, but that isn’t true. What is true: everyone I’ve ever loved is dead. Some of them by my hand.

But all of that was before. Here is now.

I stand on Arcadia Bluff and the canyon below my feet seems to careen out endlessly. The aforementioned abyss. The red rock, dotted by trees and even the occasional cactus, seeming to sprout from the rock at odd angles, because the perpendicular drop doesn’t support normal growth.

In the distance, far below me, I see a sliver of silvery blue. Maybe it’s a river or the edge of a lake, but when I look straight down, between my feet, I see nothing but rock and cactus and peril. It gives me a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach to look down, so I try to avoid doing that.

We drove in my old Volvo to get here, the dog and I. The car is dear to me. I’ve had it a long time and it performs elegantly. Like a tank. An elegant tank. It is a premium car, or it was, but now it is ancient. In good condition, but unremarkable, one of the things about it that I’ve always cherished: it has never drawn comment. And no one would suspect that under the trunk’s false bottom they would find two Bersa Thunder 380 handguns and a whole lot of cash. The car is now my home, my armory, and my bank. Who needs anything more?

Well, maybe I do. But never mind. The journey, that’s the thing.

To get here, the path we traveled in that old Volvo is a forestry road. The road is marked on maps as little more than a trail. It is unpaved and unremarked. And putting it that way—the path we traveled—makes it sound like a destination. It wasn’t that. It is just the place where, for the moment, we have ended up. When this moment is complete, we’ll travel some more. Maybe come to something else. It’s what we have now, this life made of almost nothing. As you will have guessed, this state of near nothing didn’t happen overnight.

A while ago I left behind the hollowed-out shell of the life I had created. The sham. The farce. The life in which I lived while I processed all of my grief.

Tried to process all of my grief.

Do you know what I discovered? You don’t process grief. It lives inside you, waiting for you to trot through the minefield that is life. Waiting for you to make just that one step and the grief explodes back into your face. If you were to process it—like cheese, like peanut butter—at a certain point it would be smooth and glossy and perfectly digestible. Consume it and forget it. But grief isn’t like that. It waits around because all it actually wants is to bite you in the ass.

I sound bitter. The tonic in a vodka drink. I don’t mean to, but there you are. Sometimes what you feel overrides everything you know.

After I left said reconstructed and hollowed-out life, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was basically—entirely?—homeless. My dog. And me. Homeless and aimless. I had my car. Several handguns. A few small things that I had come to treasure. And a whole whack of cash. The cash was necessary, because this is what I no longer possessed: any form of identification or credit cards. Or anything that said I was a person at all. I had simply disappeared. You mostly can’t do that forever.

A myriad of small things will trip you up. You can’t travel by air. You can’t book a motel. You can’t call an Uber. Or bank. When you start to think about it, there are more things you can’t do than what you can. After a while you need a landing spot. And you need a plan.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here goes another run.

Once upon a time—like a fairy story—I was a mom. A wife. A cornerstone of my community. I had a house. A pebble-tech pool.

A minivan with leather seats and televised communication. I had all of the accoutrements of suburbia, right down to the suburb. Tree-lined streets that I traveled to get to my job and take my kid to his school. I had attractive but not fiendishly manicured lawns. A home. That’s what it was. My husband, my son. Me. We were a family. We had a home.

One day there was an accident. People were killed. My child. Ultimately my husband, too. I was unexpectedly alone. All I had was a whole bunch of mortgaged crap I hadn’t even dreamed of wanting in the first place. After a while of being alone and having no money, I needed a new job and I started taking contracts to kill people.

You see how my narrative breaks down right there? I mean, everything was going along well, from a storytelling standpoint. I’d engaged your sympathy. Maybe even your interest. And then— boom!—I blow all that goodwill with a simple revelation. Yes. Killing people. For money. What kind of nice lady does that? No kind, that’s what. But it let’s you know at least part of why I run.

And so here we are. Standing on the edge of a cliff. And I’m not expecting to jump.


Lately I’ve noticed that I have become afraid of the dark. It doesn’t make sense to me. I am aware of no new trauma that might have led to this condition. Nyctophobia. I have read about it. I have googled, as they say.

I’ve “done some research.” So I know a little about the condition that currently plagues me. I’ve read that it is fairly normal or, at least, not uncommon. I’ve read, also, that fear is healthy. In our natural state, I guess, fear is what keeps us alive and safe.

For months, I have found myself waking from peaceful slumber and moving to instant terror when the dark is encountered. The dog smells the fear, or at least that is what I guess. When I wake in this way, I can hear him rustling about as he comes to me. He lays his muzzle on whatever part of me he can reach: my hand or my arm or even a bit of toe. And he’ll stay there like that, breathing quietly, until my demons have passed, or I turn on a light.

Usually, I turn on a light.

There are things you can do, that’s what I’ve read, as well. And there is evolved language around it. You can deal with your triggers or work at desensitizing yourself to darkness. This sort of healthy self-examination has never been my forte, and so after a while, I come up with my own solution: I begin to sleep with the light on. It keeps the demons at bay.

All of this would probably be of more concern if we had a home anymore, the dog and I. But we don’t. As I said, we are traveling, no destination in mind other than a vague and distant future that at present has no shape.

Every day, we cover many miles in the Volvo. The forestry roads in Arizona’s Cathedral National Park seem endless. The park itself seems endless, as well. We keep traveling, only occasionally surfacing for fuel or other supplies. We do that at small gas stations either within the park or just on the outskirts. Places that take cash and don’t ask questions. Then we delve right back into the depths of the park. We just drive and drive and drive, stopping only for calls of the body, as well as those infrequent times when I run out of steam. At those times, since we are out—literally and actually—in the middle of nowhere, I just stop the car, then pitch the small tent that lives over top of the false bottom of the trunk. And then I try to rest.

The closest I ever get to actual rest is when the dog settles down somewhere near me, then gets to snoring peacefully. Something about that sound is hypnotic to me. I’ll surf behind it until, sometimes, falling under the spell of the simple, primal cadence, I fall asleep. In and out, in and out. I float away on a column of dog snores that lead to core sleep, when my subconscious scrambles to make up for time lost.

In the morning we pack up and head out again. Where are we going? Why? I don’t have answers. I don’t even have questions. All I know is that everything is behind me. I’m not hopeful about what is in front of me, but it’s better than going back.

Everyone knows that you can’t go back.


Excerpt from Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards. Copyright 2024 by Linda L. Richards. Reproduced with permission from Linda L. Richards. All rights reserved.




5 stars!

A thrilling, unusual entry in this unique series!
Insensible Loss is the fourth book in the unique Endings series by author Linda L. Richards about the nameless female assassin. The main character’s unplanned meeting with a famed elderly woman painter seems to offer refuge, but as is the hallmark of the series, things don’t go as planned. 

The plot unfolds quietly with the main character and her dog’s aimless sojourn in the Cathedral National Forest, sleeping out of her Volvo, keeping a low profile and recuperating from previous events, avoiding contact with others, and relishing days of not seeing another living soul. But even this self-chosen isolation doesn’t last long, and her solitude is abruptly brought to an end by a man who literally Fs around and finds out. Her subsequent “Exit stage left” sets her up for the rest of the story. When you think things can’t get any worse, think again. 

While the story’s tension slowly and steadily builds, there are moments where the calm and quiet erupt into heart-pounding terror in seconds. The language describing the surroundings is evocative, and the main character’s inner monologue is, at times, mesmerizing as she works through the events that follow. All this definitely kept me glued to the story, hooked by the surprising twists in the plot. 

I recommend INSENSIBLE LOSS to readers of thrillers, mysteries, and suspense.

Author Bio:

Linda L. Richards is the award-winning author of over a dozen books. The founder and publisher of January Magazine and a contributing editor to the crime fiction blog The Rap Sheet, she is best known for her strong female protagonists in the thriller genre. Richards is from Vancouver, Canada and currently makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona. New for 2024: INSENSIBLE LOSS, the fourth book in the Endings series featuring a reluctant hit woman struggling towards the light. Linda’s 2021 novel, the first in this series, ENDINGS, was recently optioned by a major studio for series production. Richards is an accomplished horsewoman and an avid tennis player, and is on the National Board of Sisters in Crime.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Review Tour & Giveaway: Silver Bells: A Christmas Horror Story by Sandy Lender


Sandy Lender

Horror / Holiday-themed
Publisher: IYF Publishing/Dragon Hoard Press
Publication Date: July 6, 2024
Page count: 217 pages



There’s more than the Christmas Spirit hovering around Reindeer Creek this holiday season.

An eerie backdrop to her dearest friend’s new home disturbs Ivy Light, but the Harris family’s personal security detail—the debonair John Knightley—intrigues her greatly. The handsome gentleman has his hands full with his client being stalked by more than unethical business moguls. There are hybrid wolf-bear creatures and a manipulative side chick to worry about, after all. It’ll take extra Christmas cheer for Ivy to bring comfort and joy back to her best friend amid the tragedies and paranormal threats this year.

Join in the festivities at Reindeer Creek! And help the families at the Harris house divine what’s reality, who’s a foe, and how to thwart the evil side of a spiritual war.



Ivy considered this. She’d not paid as much attention to the individual lawn ornaments as Lexie had, obviously, but the poor guy carrying an unwieldy aluminum ladder to the back of the property looked like the typical Christmas gnome.           

But life-size. 

“Notice how his hair sticks out from under his cap,” Lexie said. She nervously rubbed at the silver circle she’d pulled from beneath her shirt while she spoke. “Isn’t it just like the gnome’s hair? It even has a ceramic look to it. Like the wind could whip through the trees and that hair won’t move a bit.” 

“The cap certainly won’t blow off,” Ivy muttered. She was starting to agree with Lexie. The guy who’d introduced himself as Dash Heggs looked like he’d stepped away from someone’s lawn display and grown to human size to come work on the tree line behind the Harris house. 

The fellow leaned the metal ladder against a tree and shook it as if testing its security. They were far enough from the scene and insulated enough by the thick glass they couldn’t hear the metal clanking of a construction ladder, but Ivy imagined it anyway, complete with heavy bungee cord clunking against its legs. His partner handed him what looked like a battery-powered chainsaw. If the thing could cut through more than one branch, she’d be surprised.


5 stars!

Riveting Christmas-set tale of nature fighting back. 

Silver Bells is a riveting new Christmas-set horror tale by author Sandy Lender in which the spirits of a natural area cross into the physical world to halt the encroachment on their sacred land by developers. With its well-drawn, engaging main characters, compelling plot, and witty dialogue, I couldn’t put this book down and completed it in one highly satisfying evening’s reading. 

The main character is Ivy Light, who has come to Reindeer Creek, Kansas, to visit her lifelong friends, Candy and Arthur Harris, for the holidays. She is a welcome support for Candy, who had suffered a late-life pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage the previous year. Arthur is distracted by threats against his company, hiring a security firm to safeguard his home and family, but has been an unsympathetic partner during her difficult recovery. The marriage is quickly eroding, and Arthur is keeping secrets. 

With the onset of the holidays and Arthur’s planned work-from-home schedule, security is reduced to a single man, the capable and sexy John Knightley. But when a neighboring family’s home burns to the ground days before Christmas, Candy welcomes the shocked and displaced Stovalls to move into their basement apartment to regroup, recover, and allow the two teenage daughters to complete the semester at their high school, doubling the number of people John needs to keep up with. When strange things start happening around the family, and Arthur abruptly changes his work plans to keep going into the office, John realizes he’s spread too thin. And as the attraction between him and Ivy heats up, he calls in an old friend as a backup. 

The author does a great job with character development, imbuing each with individual personalities that quickly gained my support or suspicions. The plot is revealed through multiple points of view and has several compelling secondary storylines vying for the cause of the danger unfolding in Reindeer Creek. I was delightfully distracted from discerning the true nature of the menace at work until the big reveal. Time passed without notice, and I was highly entertained and satisfied by this fun, horror-filled novella. 

I recommend SILVER BELLS to horror readers who enjoy a holiday setting.


Sandy Lender is an international best-selling poet and award-winning author of fantasy, literary fiction, poetry, and short story work. She’s a construction magazine editor by day and author of #GirlPower fantasy novels by night, living in Florida to help with sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue. You can follow her author page on Amazon, check her website at, or subscribe to her newsletter at

With a four-year degree in English and thirty-year career in publishing, Sandy’s successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a handful of technical writing awards, a handful of creative writing awards, and the 2023 Michael Knost Wings award. Sandy’s been writing stories since she was knee-high to a grasshopper when her great-grandmother shared her odd little tales of squeaky ghost-spiders around an apartment complex in Southern Illinois. The stories have developed to include strong young ladies working with dragons to save worlds from terrible fates, but those pesky spiders still show up from time to time. 

There’s always something brewing at Sandy Lender Ink headquarters where some days, you just want the dragon to win.


The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Blurb Blitz & Giveaway: Where the Stars Cross by Dottie Sines

Dottie Sines

Historical Romance
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: September 11, 2024
Page count: 290 pages



In the depths of the Great Depression, Ellie suffers another crash—that of her marriage. She’s left struggling to restore her shattered life, feeling as damaged as the stained-glass panels she refurbishes for Chicago’s historic structures. While visiting her aunt in Marietta, Ohio, a charming river town, Ellie encounters towboat captain Wyatt and feels a searing attraction to him. But thanks to past and subsequent wounds, her attempts at opening herself to love seem futile. Her hope for love and her determination to find the place she belongs are further complicated by her tendency to make impulsive decisions. In her journey, Ellie draws on an unrealized level of courage and learns she must identify her brightest passions in charting her course.



Climbing from her automobile, Ellie ambled around to the sidewalk, where she tipped herself onto her toes to stretch her legs and flung out her arms with a moan, promptly smacking a hand into what felt like a human. She pivoted. 

“Oh, my goodness, I’m so…” The “sorry” came a heartbeat or two later, followed by, “Are you all right?” even though there was no way this man wasn’t okay. 

Tall and sturdy enough to survive much more than a little whack in the chest, his faded blue-and-white pinstriped shirt, tan leather vest, and well-worn trousers did nothing to detract from the toned lines of his body. A sampling of gray wove through the hair peeking out from beneath his newsboy cap. Slightly wavy, sandy blond hair, which on anyone else would need a good trimming but suited him fine. He hadn’t shaved in a day or two. 

“Lengthy drive, I take it?” His mouth curved into a half smile, crinkling the corners of soft, hazel eyes. “Nothing like a good punch to work out the kinks, huh, Slugger?” 

Ellie drew in her lips. A laugh didn’t seem appropriate right now. “Really, I am very sorry,” Ellie said. “You are all right, aren’t you?” 

“I think I’ll be fine,” he said with a nod and a languid blink of those captivating eyes. “Ma’am,” he said with a tip of his cap before he and his comrades continued toward the river. 

Ellie’s feet felt their way to the door of the five-and-dime. Wowee, did that bloke look better from the front or the back? Biting her bottom lip, she reached for the door handle.


Dottie scratched out her first fiction as a little kid transfixed by the books she read all those lazy summer days on the front porch swing. Two of her short stories have been published in The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park’s literary journal, Hemingway Shorts, having placed among the top ten entries in its annual short story contests. 

Where the Stars Cross, Dottie’s first novel, is available for purchase at Amazon (where it’s on the Hot New Releases list for 20th century historical romance!


The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.