My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Something is off-kilter in Wes Teague's world.
Wes feels like life has an unreal or dream-like quality whereas his dreams are so much clearer (even with their acid-trip chaos). As the truth unfolds, he discovers that his dream world is actually real and what he's thought of as reality is an extremely addictive "construct" of his artistic imagination.
Friends in the real world or "The Existence" people Wes's dream world or "Logiverse" (LV, for short) in both similar and widely divergent roles. His best friend, Andy, is also his best friend in his dream world of Chicago. However, the girl he only longs for from the sidelines in “The Existence” is his long-time girlfriend in the LV.
Wes is an artist in the LV; a CREATIVE (or world builder) in “The Existence.” These created worlds - private imaginary spaces - are open to anyone that can find them (all you have to know is the name of the world). Wes and Andy (who has an especially lively world - Andy's Awesome Zone!), travel between locations in “The Existence” by means of portals and dodge black holes that suck people into non-existence along the way. Other inhabitants have their ways and means of travel. Desired girlfriend, Emily, travels in a puff of green smoke.Author Becca Campbell has created an amazing multi-faceted world herself, and you don’t have to exude green smoke to get there. With interesting characters, mystery, and most definitely some romance, I can honestly recommend Gateway to Reality to other readers. On another note, this book reminded me of the 1970s fantasy series by Roger Zelazny - the Amber Chronicles. The last of those novels was published in the early 90s (I believe) so I was delighted with the elements that made me think about those great stories. Other fans of that series may also enjoy this updated, contemporary tale.
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