Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mates: From The Beginning by Jay A. Lee

Lots of promise but not ready for prime time

Author Lee has come up with an interesting storyline, however it, and the characters involved, are never fully developed.

Adam and Eve never really show much emotion or ask the questions I would expect of anyone finding out that mom and dad have been lying to them their entire lives. And the “Eww” factor of becoming the mate of your sibling is really brushed past. Expecting to immediately jump in and produce several litters of children as quickly as possible with your brother or sister was quite acceptable to them, too.

I found this to be a very difficult reading experience. The grammar, spelling, word choices, and the often times painful descriptions of actions that must have been difficult to adequately get across to the reader all damage this imaginative story. I wondered if, perhaps, English was not this author’s first language. If this is true, then I commend the author for trying. All of this can be fixed.

Except for that thing with your sister, this whole thing screamed “middle-school gamer’s wet dream” to me.

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