My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Viking P.I. is back with exciting new cases!
Viking P.I. Tommy Ueland is back, and this time he’s got five new cases (six if you count the longer two-parter separately) for the reader’s perusal. Additionally, a couple of my favorite characters from previous investigations make a reappearance!
In Season Two, Tommy met and managed to ask out Alvide Andersen, a detective with KRIPOS, the Norwegian Criminal Investigation Service. More comfortable with their relationship, Tommy strives to improve his skills and impress his lady. However, he hits a snag when a prior friendship with a famous porn star comes to light during a new case.Tommy has a good heart. You can feel he’s a nice guy without a lot of stereotypical hang-ups. Sure, there is the occasional whiskey, but he seems to be vigilant of how much he’s drinking and tries to make sure it remains casual. These cases pay his bills, but he also takes on the deserving pro bono investigation, genuinely wanting to help.
In this collection of cases, Tommy relies on a young computer hacker who made his first appearance in Season One. Their mutual friend, Jannick Jørgensen, is in some real trouble, and Tommy and Sondre must work together to help her. Another interesting case sends Tommy on a journey to Svalbard, across snow and ice, for some sentimental answers.I recommend Viking Private Investigation: Season Three (and the entire series) to readers of detective fiction who would enjoy a smart but regular guy as their star P.I.
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