Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Teaser Tour: Newton's First (Motherboards & Magic, #1) by Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj

Newton's First
Motherboards & Magic, Book One
Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj

Cyberpunk / Science Fiction
Publisher: Changeling Press LLC
Publication Date: August 2, 2024
Page count: 196 pages


Newton’s First Law: An object in motion remains in motion. Until an outside force screws it all up.

As a grieving child in a burned-out husk of a body, Asher Syphamus was given an impersonal room within the Company’s cold labs -- until he was offered a second chance with illegal and painful cybernetic augmentations. Now, after many decades of martial arts training and mental conditioning, Ash is the all powerful DPL’s top agent and never misses a target. Along with his beautiful, hyper-sexed purple partner, Vers, the unstoppable duo hunts down the most dangerous hackers and criminals for punishment or elimination.

Korya Funo is full of privileged DPL information downloaded into her brain. If caught, she would be deleted from the census. That keeps her running -- until her luck runs out in Paradise, Nevada. When she’s captured by Ash and Vers, Korya accidentally reveals the truth about Asher’s parents’ deaths, and then all hell breaks loose.

Now with all their lives on the line and the fate of the planet riding on their backs, they trio will show the world why Newton’s First Law is not to be screwed with.

Pre-Order Today



Copyright ©2024 Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj

“Fuck, Vers. Where are you?” Asher Syphamus muttered softly, knowing the cochlear implant installed just above his jaw bone and below his ear would pick up his words.

The wind whipped back the few tendrils of hair that escaped the tight bun containing his long hair. The bun hid locks tipped a rich blue almost matching the color of his cybernetic left eye.

As he walked away from the Virt Dive, the virtual reality diving bar where his mark had been lost earlier in the Blue, he wondered why people even bothered to hide from real life. The fucking Blue was where everyone logged in, turned on, and turned up in cyberspace. The Blue was a whole world inside the actual world, one that many used to escape life, spread joy, disappear into a sea of information, of education… to be your avatar hile you fled your body and got lost in a way that only total computer immersion could bring. And above the Blue was the White.

The White was a shady, dangerous place where only the most experienced divers dared to venture -- the environment was just too dangerous for a diver used to only dealing with the Blue. The White was physically a small blank plane existing between the connection of the Blue and the person putting out information. Here, the world’s best hackers snatched dangerous information from accidental info dumps from those who purposefully stole and sold the data to the highest bidder. No matter how many protocols were put in place to protect the vulnerable space, the White divers always found a way in. And his latest ping had come from the mark he’d finally tracked down to this dive.

He felt the signal he was tracking start to move again and watched as his target slipped out, looking over her shoulder as if she knew he was there and following her. As he walked past the large, mirrored wall to the shop, he caught a quick glimpse of himself as he passed. His face was pale, creamy tan, the same as his mother’s. He had her eyes too, large but with an epicanthic fold that proclaimed his Asian ancestry. His eyebrows had some thickness but with a natural arch that made his eyes rather pretty. He had his African father’s full lips, though not the same concentration of melanin, more’s the pity. He could use more sun protection in this bright-assed desert. His nose was broad though, its bridge straight as a knife, and his cheekbones were high and sharp, like his dad’s. His thick, wavy hair was kept long and confined now so it wouldn’t get in his way.

Though he only caught a glimpse of himself as he followed after his mark, he could barely stand to look at his reflection. He was a damn near perfect combination of both his parents from what he could recall, though he didn’t dwell on that much. The pain of it all was still too crushing.

The air circulating through his lungs was quiet as he pulled in his emotions. Barely a sound emerged from his body as his booted feet slammed down on the concrete when his body lurched forward. His little trip into nostalgia had given his mark time to run and now he had to give chase.

His heart would be racing if it actually had the capacity to pump hot blood through his veins. His target was pulling a jackrabbit, dodging in between early morning foot traffic on the busy city street as she looked around her, prey knowing she was being stalked by an apex predator. Only the bright and very visible green of her plaits kept him from moving any faster. No matter how much he wanted to knock people aside to reach his target, he knew that drawing more attention to himself would be detrimental to their mission.

“I’ve been at this since the ass crack of dawn and I would really like to get some accurate intel from you, you one-being orgy.”

Don’t get cheeky, Vers responded. You’re just upset you don’t get laid.

Vers’ answer through Asher’s implanted microphone sounded more amused than insulted. That wasn’t what Asher had hoped for. When Vers was annoyed, his work efficiency increased by almost three percent and he could use some of that efficiency now, at least until he caught up with the woman who pinged on his internal sensors.

“Hmph,” Asher huffed. “Can you keep your mind out of your pants and on the job? I need to know if she’s the one.”

The green-haired woman in question cast one more furtive look over her shoulder before trying to hide herself in a gaggle of schoolchildren, all racing and gleefully dodging through the streets teeming with people traveling to get to their jobs and appointments in the watery light of a new sun. With their connection pads in hand, the tourist masses were an explosion of color, a flock of bright, chattering birds that raced through the smiling crowds. Their laughter was contagious, and it made Asher grit his teeth. In a firefight, mundanes always seemed to run right in the path of danger. He wished they would all just disappear.

I’m working on it. Give me a mo. Paradaise has a complicated network of --

“You just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.” Asher managed to dodge several children, keeping one eye on the green of his mark’s hair as she ducked around a corner. He was closing in.

He moved faster, desperate not to lose her or give his position away. She couldn’t know if he was actually chasing her and he wanted to stay in that pocket of the unknown. She might sense someone or something was hot on her tail, but she had no idea from which direction the attack would come. And it wasn’t like there were a lot of places to hide in Paradaise, Nevada.

And then he wanted to smack himself stupid for thinking that a woman who could possibly be the government hacker he was sent out to find wouldn’t be wily enough to actually give him the slip. Underestimation was going to cost him dearly because the moment he turned the corner, he lost sight of her in a sea of green, low-flying kites.

Hey buddy, guess what? Did you know there’s a butterfly kite flying festival today? There’s gonna be a lot of kids and old people so maybe you wanna keep an eye out for that.

“Gee, thanks, Vers. You couldn’t fucking tell me that five minutes earlier?” As he spoke, he heard a cheer, and a wall of sound rushed past him as the hum of several hundred robotic and some basic silk cloth kites took to the sky. People looked up in awe as dancing holograms of colorful transparent butterflies took to the sky, spinning and dancing as safe holographic fireworks exploded over them.

Well, it’s a point of historical interest, as they’ve been having the butterfly festival for over a hundred years. Get some culture, you asshole. You need it more than you need to get laid.

“What I need is a way around this mess.” Asher looked around at the mass of people, made up mostly of children and old people gathered in groups, each holding massive butterfly kites of their own. Some held remotes that controlled the flight of the butterfly kites, both real and illusory. Most of them, unfortunately, glittered and glowed the same primarily green color that matched his mark’s hair.

Pinging your location, Vers purred in his ear after a moment of quiet while more and more people filed onto the special moving sidewalk heading toward the restored MGM Grand, singing and chanting as they moved. Oh! You aren’t far from the New Bellagio. One of these days I’m going to get you there for a real upgrade instead of the crap the powers that be keep sending you to.

“Vers --”

I mean it. You’re in a town right outside of Vegas, baby! Almost to the cybernetic playground of the whole entire continent ever since the redesign of the area. To get anything better you’d have to hop a streaker across the Pacific to Japan. It’s amazing what they can do with both artistry and circuitry.

“Whatever the fuck,” Asher grumbled, casting his gaze around. He ignored the small vibration in his brain as the ocular implant adjusted and repositioned, sending his mind a feed of information calculating the height of the buildings and the large vehicles passing by.

Turning to a small three-story building to his right, Asher took three fast, bounding steps then flexed his leg muscles. With a mechanical whisper, he launched himself skywards, a blurred silver flash through the backdrop of colorful fluttering kites, before he landed on the flat solar tiles of the roof.

Bent over, he raced along the edges of the closely placed buildings, jumping the odd ones that bordered on alleys, leaping up to the higher ones, his eyes constantly searching, feeding him data so he could adjust his flight.

He was contemplating going back to the ground and following her along the crowded streets when he saw a blur of green headed away from the celebration and toward a small, dark street that led away from the sound of laughter and merriment.

There, in between a closed toy shop on one side and ironically, an adult toy shop, was where his prey was fleeing.

To the left, Casanova, Vers confirmed softly with the just the right amount of sarcasm for the nickname. And you better move swiftly. She’s about to head to a parking lot and if she has her vehicle shielded, well, we are shit out of luck, Ash. If she gets away, you’d be better off hitting a pleasure palace and getting your freak on ‘cause that signal is going to be scattered and lost. And I urge you to take advantage of the many wonderful and erotic amenities that this run-down trash heap of a city provides. Besides, your cherry needs plucking ‘cause that bitch is overripe.



Stephanie Burke is a USA Today Best-Selling, multi-published, multi-award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife, and mother of two.

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused elemental Fey, and homo-erotic mysteries all the way to pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all and hopes to do more.

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts, an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice. 

Areana Senoj is a multi-genre writer of erotic romance, paranormal, and sci-fi fantasy fiction. She's been an actress, singer, dancer, educator, and, briefly, a stay-at-home "tennis, soccer, and band mom," as well as a small business entrepreneur. Now, she's enjoying a new career, living life as a full-time writer. She's thrilled to join Changeling Press, where she's teamed up with USA Today Best-Selling Author Stephanie Burke, co-authoring Motherboards and Magic. 


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Release Blitz & Giveaway: A Vengeful King Rises (House of Croft, #1) by Sophie Barnes

A Vengeful King Rises
House of Croft, Book One
Sophie Barnes

Historical mystery / Romance
Publication Date: July 30, 2024
Page count: 492 pages



The only thing more lethal than his need for revenge, is the woman who's tasked with bringing him down.

Adrian Croft dreams of quitting the shady business he stands to inherit, of settling down, and of raising a family free from a life of crime. But when tragedy strikes, this fanciful dream is destroyed. All he wants now is revenge. His anger, however, threatens to cloud his judgment, making it harder for him to recognize danger when it approaches in the form of a beautiful woman.

Trained for covert operations as part of a secret government program, Samantha Carmichael's mission is to give British law enforcement a reason to prosecute the most powerful man in the country. But when common sense and duty begin to blur, can she remain steadfast in her goal, or will her loyalties shift as she gradually loses her heart to the one man she cannot afford to love?

-One series, one couple, and the brutal challenges they must face-

 If you like What Angels Fear, Silent in the Grave, and Murder on Black Swan Lake, you’ll devour Sophie Barnes’ thrilling new series.


USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages. With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.




RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, July 29, 2024

Review Tour & Giveaway: Truth and Dare (The Wonder of Wildflowers, #1) by Ann M. Trader

Ann M. Trader

Contemporary Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Publication Date: July 15, 2024
Page count: 222 pages



A bright and talented environmental engineer, Goldie Vreeland understands facts and figures, but Max Corda, her secret office obsession, remains a puzzle. On the eve of a business trip to a coastal island, fate intervenes, pairing her with her sexy crush. As she thinks about sharing the same space with Max for a week, her world veers dangerously off course.
Fueled by success as engineer and president of his family’s firm, recently divorced Max needs to jumpstart his life. When his father unexpectedly assigns him to Goldie’s project, his closely guarded attraction to her comes front and center. Thoughts of spending a week alone with this beautiful intelligent woman make his internal compass glitch. 

Romance stirs with the island breeze, so simple when they’re hundreds of miles away from normal. But as Goldie and Max return to reality, will they discover real love is more than a game?


“Those lips,” I said, the words slipping off my tongue. 

“Excuse me?” 

His question broke my trance. “Oh, Lord. I’m sorry I—" 

“Wait. You feel it, too, don’t you?” 

I hesitated then nodded. 

Max leaned toward me. “You know, I’ve been trying to get a read on you tonight, but I’m pretty rusty at all this.” 

“Let’s get one thing straight, Max. There’s nothing about you that’s rusty.” 

A smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. “The word means nothing to you because you’re young and beautiful.” 

I crossed my arms over my chest. “You really think a lot about this age thing, don’t you?” 

He sighed. “I’m thirty-one, Goldie.” 

“Well, lucky for you my ceiling’s a good thirty-three.” 

He bit back a smile, his eyes growing softer, warmer. “I like you, Goldie.” 

“I like you, too, Max.” 

“I really want to kiss you.” 

“So, what’s stopping you?” 

“The very real possibility I won’t be able to stop,” he said with a reverent tone.


4 stars!

Fun and cute work colleague contemporary romance! 

Truth and Dare is the first book in author Ann M. Trader’s new contemporary romance series, The Wonder of Wildflowers, and it is a fun interpretation of the office/coworker trope. With its charming pair of main characters who had great chemistry from their first meeting, this was a fun story to read and relax into and just enjoy! 

Both main characters, Goldie and Max, have unrequited crushes on each other even before they are unexpectedly paired up and sent to a gorgeous (and romantic) coastal South Carolina island to present their firms proposals for the town’s stormwater program. Both struggle with personal insecurities, brought about for different reasons, and must navigate their way through the results to have a chance with each other. Their flirtation is delightful from the start with Max, especially, having difficulty keeping his foot out of his mouth. Even as things start to look up for the two, conflict must threaten their relationship and it comes in the form of a big misunderstanding. 

The author’s ability to tell a story and keep readers fully engaged is undeniable. The setup is fun, the character development and backstories are well done, and the Shembery Isle setting may send readers to their favorite travel apps. I enjoyed the family relationships of both and am looking forward to seeing what’s in store for the Vreeland siblings as the series progresses. 

I recommend TRUTH AND DARE to readers of adult contemporary romances, especially those who enjoy a work colleagues or big misunderstanding trope in their stories.


I enjoy spending time with my family and exploring recipes on the lighter side of southern comfort foods. I’m a member of Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, and I love relaxing on my back porch to read and write. These days I take walks around my neighborhood, but when I was sixteen, I hiked the Grand Canyon with a group of friends. I love watching television dramas (in no special order): Palm Royale, The Buccaneers, The Bear, Mary and George, Emily in Paris, Outlander, Shrinking, Shogun, Bridgerton, Outer Banks, Stranger Things, The Crown, and Peaky Blinders and reading a great romance book.


Ann M. Trader will award a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Book Tour & Giveaway: The Ocean Hugs Hard by Eric Avedissian

The Ocean Hugs Hard
Eric Avedissian

Horror / Mystery
Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing
Publication Date: June 24, 2024
Page count: 336 pages



Surfside City, New Jersey. 1966. Cub reporter Harman Bass is cutting his teeth in the fast world of local journalism and getting out-scooped by the competition. Facetious, cocky, and always quoting Nietzsche, Harman isn’t making any friends both in and out of the newsroom.

All that changes when the daughter of a prominent family is found dead on the beach, handing Harman the juiciest news story of the year. But she wasn’t any old beauty pageant queen; she was his high school girlfriend. Harman’s dogged reporting into the young woman’s death reveals pushback from the authorities and pulls the newshound into the resort’s darkest corners.

After one of his sources is murdered, the routine story becomes dangerous and personal. Something watches Harman from the shadows, something ancient and hungry, worshipped by powerful men who kill to keep their secrets. Harman’s job and life are soon threatened, and the once brash reporter must battle his boss, rival journalists, and his own sanity before filing what could be his last story.

THE OCEAN HUGS HARD is a mystery with the salty whiff of the ocean, a tinge of nostalgia, and a dollop of mind-shattering eldritch horror.



5 stars!

A compelling tale of mystery, secrets, and death in a seaside tourist town in the 1960s. 

The Ocean Hugs Hard by Eric Avedissian is a new historical mystery and suspenseful horror novel that tells the absorbing tale of a young reporter investigating the death of a local beauty queen in a summer seaside tourist town. With its engaging main characters, 1960s setting, and suspenseful twists, the story held my attention completely as the truth slowly came to light. 

Harmon Bass is an intriguing protagonist; he’s a young cub reporter still finding his way in his career and in his life, struggling to become comfortable with his asexual nature. He’s made a first step toward becoming an independent adult by moving out of his childhood home and working as a reporter for his hometown’s paper rather than as an accountant, as his father wants. Though trying to prove himself with this important story (and keep his job), he is genuinely interested in finding justice for the victim, who was his former (and only) girlfriend back when they were in high school together. 

Harmon’s co-writer on this story is June Jensen, a smart reporter who has been relegated to puff pieces and covering local events. She’s struggling to break free of the traditional attitudes of the male-dominated newsroom that limits her success. Likewise, Lyle Morris, the paper’s new African-American photographer, is up against the complacent, entrenched racism of a time when the Civil Rights Movement was just getting legs. 

The author can certainly tell a story and took me places I didn’t expect despite the imagery on the fabulous cover. Didi’s murder occurs off-the-page, and the discovery of her bikini-clad body provides the story’s opening, so Harmon’s investigation starts immediately. The descriptions of people and places are vivid and I felt like I was right there with Harmon every step of the very unpredictable way. The plot takes some surprising twists and turns and kept me fixed to its pages, compelled to keep reading to see how the story would pan out. 

I recommend THE OCEAN HUGS HARD to mystery readers who would enjoy a "Twilight Zone" twist to their traditional mystery.


Eric Avedissian is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing, Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.



RABT Book Tours & PR

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Book Review: No Ordinary Thursday by Anoop Judge

No Ordinary ThursdayNo Ordinary Thursday by Anoop Judge
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A riveting story and compelling reading.

From the publisher:

“A family, broken by the shattering turns of a single day, will do anything to find their way back to one another.

Lena Sharma is a successful San Francisco restaurateur. An immigrant, she’s cultivated an image of conservatism and tradition in her close-knit Indian community. But when Lena’s carefully constructed world begins to crumble, her ties to her daughter, Maya, and son, Sameer—both raised in thoroughly modern California—slip further away.

Maya, divorced once, becomes engaged to a man twelve years her junior: Veer Kapoor, the son of Lena’s longtime friend. Immediately Maya feels her mother’s disgrace and the judgment of an insular society she was born into but never chose, while Lena’s cherished friendship frays. Meanwhile, Maya’s younger brother, Sameer, struggles with an addiction that reaches a devastating and very public turning point, upending his already tenuous future.

As the mother, daughter, and son are compromised by tragedy, secrets, and misconceptions, they each must determine what it will take to rebuild their bonds and salvage what’s left of their family.”

My review:

No Ordinary Thursday by Anoop Judge is the immersive tale of an Indian American family living in the San Francisco area, facing tragedy and censure in their tightly-knit cultural community. Judge is a consummate storyteller, and I was completely drawn into this family in crisis and utterly invested in the outcome.

The small Sharma family was torn apart by divorce after Lena discovered her husband Goldie’s infidelity. A further rift occurred when she eventually remarried, and her son decided to go live with his father. Lena depends on her lifelong female friends, Pinkie and Anita, to get her through these hard times, and she has a shoulder for them whenever it is needed.

Living with Goldie wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and the teenage Sameer is basically neglected, left without needed guidance or a proper male role model. Goldie is an awful father, and his skewed attitudes toward women and Lena, in particular, color the now-adult Sameer’s core beliefs. A car accident and his actions afterward have tragic results.

Sameer’s sister Maya has fallen in love with the much younger son of her mother’s best friend, Pinkie, and their engagement has the entire community judging her harshly. Worse, though, is the rift this liaison causes between their mothers, so a critical part of Lena’s support system is out of reach. Maya doesn’t escape unscathed, either. While she loves Veer, she despises the idea of being seen as a cougar, and because his family has money, some are adding the label of gold digger as well. She also feels guilty about letting her relationship with her brother drift away, thinking she could have prevented his current situation.

From the shocking opening chapter, the plot is rife with twists and surprises. The story unfolds from multiple family members’ points of view, but their voices are so distinct I had no trouble keeping their stories straight. Each character is well-developed. I felt like I knew these people intimately and had to know what was going to happen to them next, and I had no idea where things were going to end up.

The author does a wonderful job describing the Sharma family dynamics and those of the larger community. I felt like I got a good picture of the traditional relationships, values, and attitudes that were sometimes at odds with younger members who were born and reared in California.

I recommend NO ORDINARY THURSDAY to readers of literary fiction, ethnic family dramas, and women’s fiction.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through WOW! Women On Writing Book Tours.

View all my reviews

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Fire Called (Ember & Ash, #1) by Edeline Wrigh

Fire Called
Edeline Wrigh
(Ember & Ash, #1)
Publication date: July 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

She’s the ember that started the fire.
He’s the ash that remains when all is dead.

When Emberly, a field biologist with a connection to the spirit world, returns to her hometown for her dream job, she thinks she’s prepared to defend her home and confront her destiny. But she’s not prepared for Ashton: the man she must marry to uphold the bargain she made for her life. And no amount of chastising from her ghost twin is going to change her mind.

Ashton, the handsome, reluctant heir to the mining empire that killed Emberly’s grandfather, wants nothing to do with his family legacy. But when his father announces plans to resume mining operations, his only hope at protecting the mountain is to work with the woman he fell in love with at first sight—and who can’t stand to look at him.

Forced into a fake relationship to keep the circumstances of their magically arranged marriage—and the supernatural salamanders—a secret, their annoyance with each other is only heightened by their mutual attraction. But there’s only so long they can avoid fate.

Fire Called is the first in a new contemporary romantasy trilogy. If you like steamy romances, hearing ghost stories around the campfire, and finding magic in so-called ‘mundane’ places, this one’s for you.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


The Appalachians are ancient—they existed millions of years ago, before the continents separated. They have stories aplenty to tell those who will listen to the pines sway in the wind, to the howls of the coyotes, and to the stories wildflowers tell when they bloom, each a different shape and color as the weather warms and cools in the spring.

It takes practice, sure. And there are those with gifts, like Virginia—the youngest of seven daughters—who have a special affinity for those conversations.

The sky was overcast, the air was thick with the scent of rain, and the birds chattered warnings about the impending storm on Ember’s first day in the field.

Today’s goal was to survey the area to prepare for future outings.

She had convinced Nicole she could handle the woods alone. And Nicole, ever trusting, had granted her the autonomy she craved.

Ember reveled in the solitude of the mountains. She relished the freedom to explore at her own pace, unburdened by the presence of others.

But then she heard a voice she didn’t recognize.

“Emberly,” it said.

She neither saw anyone nor was sure where it was coming from.

It wouldn’t be the first time she’d heard her name called by someone—or something— she couldn’t see. It wouldn’t be the last either, especially with the amount of time she’d be in the woods after dark. She knew what the tales said about those who acknowledged such voices with words or action; it was best to ignore it.

In the early daylight, it was less likely to succeed at harming her. It was also loud enough it was probably far away. Still, spirits gossiped, and she didn’t want a reputation for being gullible.

It kept talking to her anyway.

“Emberly Jane Whitmore, you have a debt to repay.”

The “debt” mention gave her pause.

It was unwise to talk to spirits you couldn’t identify, especially in the woods. Then again, it was unwise to promise yourself to the spirits, too. Ma had warned Ember about that a thousand times and about the consequences that befell those who promised themselves and attempted to evade payment.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, directing the question nowhere in particular just in case. “I’m supposed to be working.”

“This is the work,” the voice said cryptically.

“Again, what exactly are you asking me to do? Shed my blood on a rock?”

“You will know when you know. But consider this your summons. When the time comes…”

The spirit voice? Confusing as shit. And not at all helpful.

“When the time comes, I what?”

“Be ready to meet your betrothed.”

Author Bio:

Edeline Wrigh is an eccentric storyteller with a penchant for swearing, drinking too much caffeine, and spending more time with cats than people. She writes fantasy, romance, and love stories without happy endings from her house in the midwest. When she’s not putting words on paper, she’s busy upleveling her martial arts game or taking in stories in any way she can.

Website / Facebook / Instagram / TikTok / Twitter


Friday, July 26, 2024

Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway: Cargo of Bones (Saltwater Chronicles, #2) by Z. Lindsey

Cargo of Bones
The Saltwater Chronicles, Book Two
Z. Lindsey

Publication Date: June 26, 2024
Page count: 294 pages



Devilish intrigue in a magical library...

Devil bureaucrat Essimore Darkenchyl barely made it out of the jungle alive, but next she’s going straight to hell—aka her hometown. When she finds out about a dark and desperate plan for immortality originating from her own people, her family ties, her sense of right and wrong, and her silly sense of humor will all be put to the test!

In the second book of The Saltwater Chronicles, the stakes are higher, the villains are scarier, and the jokes about cannibalism are more common.



“You nicked me in the dance, remember? The council might be scandalized if we slept in the same tent.” 

She laughed, remembering how embarrassed she’d been as the other girls gasped and the doctors swarmed him. Her dad said, ‘Essie, if you didn’t want Vashon to be eligible to marry you, you just had to poke him! You didn’t have to stab so deep!’ But she did like him. It wasn’t her fault he couldn’t block. And it had been nice to think the one boy she liked couldn’t marry her. There had been more important things than boys. Like Gossen’s Guide to Shipping Law. 

“Nicked you?” she asked as she stood and walked for the tent. “Sir, I stabbed so deep they had to use medical magic to get the knife out.” 

Vashon touched his shoulder where the knife had been. 

“Yeah, like I said, you nicked me. I’ll sleep outside.” 

Essie put a hand on her hip. 

“It’s too cold, Vashon.” She crouched and crawled into the tent. “It’s not like you’re proposing. If you keep your underwear on, I’m sure the council will forgive us.” 

“I’m not wearing underwear,” he said. 


Vashon cleared his throat. 

“It’s not part of the cossetter’s ritual outfit.” 

Essie bit her lip and looked away. 

“Of course.” 

“The first cossetters practiced naked to be closer to essential—” 

“Okay, I get it!” 

“So—I should sleep out here?” he asked. 

“Get in here,” she said, then blurted, “but stay on your side.”


5 stars!

Essie returns! 

Cargo of Bones is the second book in the author Z. Lindsey’s Saltwater Chronicles featuring Essimore “Essie Darkenchyl, the magical (and fully licensed) shipping coordinator of the Brigand Noble. With its engaging main character, quirky friends, magical fun, and surprising plot, readers are sure to enjoy returning to this amazing series. 

Essie is the 20-year-old protagonist, a graduate of the Academy of the Blessed Agency, and now a seasoned shipping coordinator. She is also an Æordes, a being most often labeled a devil by the humans in the story. She is the story’s narrator, and her unique voice, introduced in the first book in the series, continues to delight me. 

While readers new to the series can begin with this book, the stories would be enjoyed best if read in order. As with the previous novel, this story hits the ground running and doesn’t let up. Her inner monologue is priceless, and the dialogue is so much fun. I started laughing immediately with the first scene in the duende’s office, and they were just doing paperwork! However, things took a dark and dangerous turn almost right away, and I was on the edge of my seat from then on. 

The author does a great job building Essie’s world and populating it with interesting and quirky characters. The descriptions are vivid and made me feel at hand for the action alongside Essie and her fellows. I recommend CARGO OF BONES to readers who enjoy dark, action-packed fantasies with a touch of humor.


Zac Lindsey is an anthropologist and a linguist who focuses on the Maya people of Quintana Roo. Since childhood, he's had a not-so-secret love of weird, silly, and well-structured fantasy. When other people's parents were reading them picture books, his mom was reading him Terry Brooks. He typically writes hopeful and character-driven fantasy.

Today, he lives in Quintana Roo, Mexico with his wife, daughter, and various stray cats.


Other books in the Saltwater Chronicles:

The River Against the Sea


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