Sunday, October 06, 2013

Tasty and addictive!

Centalpha 6 – Part I by James Todd Cochrane is an interesting, fun and suspenceful start to a new science fiction series suitable for adults, young adults, and so far, older children already reading chapter books. I might even be tempted to try this one with some reluctant readers given its bite-sized, serialized format. Set in the future, Breyden Pry, the son of a senator and a high-level commando, is 16 years old and coming to the end of his military academy training. He and his friends are looking forward to accompanying the older cadets on raids against the “subs” – people that lurk in the background undermining their perfect society. But Breyden is a “star,” a natural until he uncovers something he shouldn’t on his first training raid. With good descriptions of characters, settings and blow-by-exciting-blow action scenes, I felt I could “see” the story. I think it seems like it would make a good movie or television series. While reading it, I got overtones of not only 1984 but Starship Troopers – an interesting and fun mix. My only complaint is that this little bit (Part I) is just enough of a taste to hook you and leave you wanting the rest of the story … now.

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