A suspenseful incident in a forbidden preserve heightens the senses of five friends. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell become super-gifts that forever change the world. But furious battles confront the boys as they try to understand their sensory super powers in a race to save mankind.
Discovery of the Five Senses, the first book in The Urban Boys series by author K.N. Smith, has an intriguing plot that teased me with its carefully measured bits of backstory and minimalistic opening exposition. The author doesn't hand-feed the book's secrets; those are only slowly revealed as the story unfolds. I was in the story with the five main characters for the entire journey, feeling their confusion over what was happening and how to overcome it. This immersive quality reminded me of reading Jeff VanderMeer's book, Annihilation, from his Southern Reach series.
Many times the author's use of language is downright magical. It was not an easy read at first. I had to sync with the rhythm of the words, and when I did, I was suddenly wrapped up in the prose, looking forward with anticipation to the next stunning phrase or line.
The five boys are an interesting mix of personalities and circumstances, and young readers will surely relate. I loved the premise of each boy receiving an enhanced sense and that there were others before them who had also been 'gifted' in the same manner. In a fresh and fascinating twist to this "gaining a superpower" trope, the new strengths are very hard on the guys, even causing them physical pain at times.
The author gets the action going immediately, and the
opening is gripping. It was so compelling I wanted to read straight through to
the conclusion. I will definitely put this series on my 'watch list' for future
installments. I recommend DISCOVERY OF THE FIVE SENSES to young adult readers
who enjoy urban fantasy, action/adventure, and paranormal or supernatural elements
in their stories.