Thursday, July 13, 2023

Book Tour & Giveaway: Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck by Frank Zaccari

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Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck

by Frank Zaccari

June 19 - July 14, 2023 Virtual Book Tour


Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck by Frank Zaccari

At times we all get stuck. Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end job; your job was a victim of COVID; you live in an area you do not enjoy; your personal relationship is floundering; the life that you want is moving further and further from reality, you can't "catch a break," or maybe you never got the right opportunity. Does any of this sound familiar? Be honest! We have all been there. "Things we didn't expect!" "We weren't prepared for this."

Getting stuck is inevitable – staying stuck is a choice

Praise for Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck:

"Your go-to book for the details on getting unstuck"
~ Joanne Victoria, Life Coach and author of Vision With a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams

Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck "is an excellent read that is full of practical advice for business professionals and entrepreneurs"
~ Debra Holz

"You will not walk away from this book without relevant and practical tips and techniques you can use immediately to get your life unstuck. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book"
~ Amazon Reviewer

" It’s the right book at the absolute right time. Frank has a way of breaking things down while lifting you up and getting you unstuck. A pivotal read for me right now."
~ LE Gray

Did You Know This Secret for Getting Unstuck?

Book Details:

Genre: Business & Money, Personal Transformation
Published by: WeBe Books
Publication Date: May 2022
Number of Pages: 177
ISBN: 978-1955668231
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Who needs this book?

We all get stuck, frustrated, depressed, anxious, frustrated, and disappointed. This book is for everyone who has ever felt stuck. If we are honest, that includes everyone over the age of thirteen. We are like the car stuck in the mud or a snow bank at times. We keep pushing on the gas, but the wheels just keep spinning. The rut we are in gets deeper until we feel we are running in quicksand. It seems the harder we try, the more stuck we become, and like quicksand, we sink until we simply give up.

Very often, being stuck in an internal issue. It is something we create and allow to occur. Wow! That’s a harsh statement. You should be saying, “You are crazy, Frank. Why in God’s name would I ever create and allow a situation where I am stuck and unhappy to exist.” Well, news flash, folks, it happens every day.

Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end job; your job was a victim of COVID; you live in an area that you do not enjoy; your personal relationship is floundering; that life that you want is moving further and further from reality; you can’t catch a break, or maybe you never got the right opportunity. Does any of this sound familiar? Be honest! We have all been there. Now the question is, are you going to stay there?

Let’s look at another quote from Mel Robbins:

When you are stuck, the primary task is deciding if you’re going to change at all. The challenge is finding the ability to create a slight change in your life and build on it in the face of an overwhelming amount of resistance. - Mel Robbins – The Five-Second Rule

The magic words are “IF you’re going to change.” Getting unstuck, moving forward, and achieving a positive and productive life is in your hands. Greatness is not primarily a matter of circumstance; greatness is a matter of conscious choice and discipline. Staying stuck is a choice. Justifying that you never had the right opportunity is not a reason or an excuse. It is a choice. Where are you stuck in life, and what choices will you make? Are you going to fall apart? OR are you going to pick up the pieces and start moving forward?


Excerpt from Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck by Frank Zaccari. Copyright 2023 by Frank Zaccari. Reproduced with permission from Frank Zaccari. All rights reserved.




5 stars!

This little volume is packed with interesting examples and details backed by reliable and varied source materials for getting unstuck in whatever area of your life is holding you back.

Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck by author/speaker Frank Zaccari explores the many ways one can become “stuck” in an unfulfilling work situation, personal relationship, or even, in our practices of self-care and growth. The third book in a three-book series, it is presented in a highly readable format, and I felt as if I were listening to a close and much more experienced old friend as we discussed how things were going in my life.

For such a manageably-sized volume, the book is packed with interesting examples and details backed by reliable and varied source materials. Although I personally was a little distracted by the source attributions immediately following the relevant information in the text itself, it made noting the source quick and easy. Many sounded like articles I’d want to hunt down later for further reading. I really appreciated how these citations were collected and repeated at the end of the book as “End Notes.” Similarly, I liked how the end-of-chapter questions were consolidated in one location as the “Workbook.”

I wasn’t surprised to read that working for the same company for 20 years or so is no longer a strategically astute decision. However, I had the proverbial light bulb moment regarding employment post-COVID when I saw the following:

Now you have the chance to press the restart button, to discover what you really want, and to make a meaningful change.”

This is an opportunity that many are taking advantage of right now, if not already in the past two years. Businesses are going to feel this workforce flex for some time to come, so I will keep this in mind and remember to be patient as many new employees gain expertise and experience.

I recommend BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SECRETS FOR GETTING UNSTUCK to anyone who feels stuck in any aspect of their life.

Author Bio:

Frank Zaccari

Co-Founder of Trust the Process – Book Marketing Program; keynote speaker; Business Adviser; TV Show Host, 5x Best-Selling and Award-Winning Author

As co-founder of Trust the Process – Book Marketing Program 22 months ago, we have created and executed marketing/promotion plans that achieved 11 consecutive #1 bestselling new releases in multiple categories.

A native of western New York, Frank Zaccari served as a military medic in the U.S. Air Force before spending over 20 years in the high-tech industry. His experience included senior positions with Fortune 50 organizations “re-launching” small and mid-size companies.

Frank is a 5X bestselling and award-winner author who has written and published nine books based on life altering events. The last four books Business Secrets for Walking on Water, Business & Personal Secrets for Avoiding Relationship Landmines, Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck, and Business Secrets from the Battlefield to the Boardroom, were awarded Amazon #1 Best-Selling new release status in multiple categories. They are part of a four-book series. He was just awarded 1st place by The Authors’ Zone for nonfiction business (Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck) - 1st place for Nonfiction Business for 2022.

He led a workshop for aspiring entrepreneurs at Arizona State University; is a mentor with the Veterans Treatment Court; a mentor and judge with the University of California Entrepreneurship Academy and is an accomplished speaker. Frank hosts a Roku TV and youtube show which, has 235,000 listeners in 42 countries.


  • UCLA Anderson School of Business – Management Development for Entrepreneurs Certification Program
  • California State University at Sacramento – Bachelors of Science – Finance
  • Catch Up With Our Author, Frank Zaccari:
    YouTube - @frankzaccari



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    Don't Miss This Opportunity to GET UNSTUCK!

    This is a giveaway hosted by Providence Book Promotions for Frank Zaccari. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.


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    1. YES!! Great review!
      "I felt as if I were listening to a close and much more experienced old friend as we discussed how things were going in my life." ~ I loved this!

    2. Thank you for the kind words and wonderful review. I hope this book helps your readers know they are not alone. Everyone get stuck from time to time. The question then becomes are you going to choose to remain stuff or pull yourself out of the quagmire.
