Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Book Tour & Giveaway: The Heir Apparent (Orb of Zorn, #1) by John Gorman


Orb Of Zorn #1
John Gorman

Independently Published
Publication Date: May 24, 2023
Page count: 308 pages



When Elcon is heard reciting a cantrip in the magic-averse village of Walsz, he is put through a trial by ordeal. Plunged into the Nom River, he barely survives the swim. Leaving behind the angry mob on the shore, he then runs away from home. Out on his own for the first time in his young life, he meets a stranger who gifts him with a stone that has mystical powers. Accompanied by the mage, Dras, the young apprentice goes on a quest to save the world from the return of the Shadowlord.

A classic epic fantasy adventure with swords, sorcery, orcs, elves, and outcasts. The first book of the Orb of Zorn Trilogy. Grab a cloak and join the quest.

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5 stars!

With its elaborate backstory and vibrant world-building, I felt like I was right there with the characters. 

The Heir Apparent, the first book in author John Gorman’s new high fantasy series, Orb of Zorn, takes a minute to lay the groundwork for the story’s setting, but then the action takes off, and you realize the buildup was worth every bit of it. The writing is so visual it feels made to become a movie. 

The author deftly juggles several disparate groups of companions, seemingly unrelated at first, but gradually it becomes clear they are all moving toward a similar goal, to thwart the reemergence of the evil Shadowlord. The story of each set of companions is compelling, and I would be hard-pressed to single out a favorite; I liked them all and look forward to what comes next in their stories. 

In addition to great world-building, an exciting plot in constant forward motion, and characters that quickly mattered, the author injected quite a bit of humor into the dialogue. I also enjoyed the creative character and place names, such as Horst Smidwick, Flettsdorf, and the two orc brothers, Borg and Brig. Besides the orcs, Gorman populates his world with a variety of fantastic creatures like elves, trolls, kobolds, and some I can’t even name. It’s been a while since I’ve read and enjoyed a classic fantasy so much, and I will be following this author to be notified of the next book in this series. 

I recommend THE HEIR APPARENT to readers of high fantasy and classic quest stories.

About the Author

Still a rogue at heart, John has spent most of his life making stuff up, mainly to fill in the gaps of an otherwise untidy CV. He’s taught tennis, sold wine, hustled a few chess games, and babysat for numerous scaly and furry creatures. His stories, essays, and articles have appeared in over 50 journals worldwide. He’s the author of the humorous fantasy books The Acolyte And The Amulet and Beyond The Vicious Vortex (Nebilon Series). He lives with his wife and daughter.

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