3rd in Series
Setting - New York
Publisher: Next Chapter
Number of Pages: 275
Digital ASIN: B0CB81ZKYX

Sheri carefully balanced the tray that her mother gave her to bring upstairs to her great grandmother. Cathy admired how skillful the young girl was, although Danielle walked behind her in case she slipped or dropped the food. Cathy and Mildred were in back of them.
At the top of the stairs, Sheri stopped at a closed door. Danielle stepped in front of her and tapped on the wood. “Grammy, can we come in? I’ve brought our guests; the ones I told you were coming today.”
A faint voice replied, “You may enter.”
Cathy didn’t know what to expect. She’d never had experience with anyone suffering dementia. While her grandmother had a few lapses of memory, they were normal signs of aging.
The woman sitting up in bed had a full head of dark hair that Cathy knew came from a bottle but what surprised her most was her large violet eyes. Danielle had explained that her grandmother thought she was Elizabeth Taylor, but Cathy couldn’t help but notice that she looked like the film star, too or, perhaps, made herself up to look like her.
Sheri brought the tray over to the bed. “Here’s your food, Grammy.”
“Thank you. What a sweet girl. Where is the pie?”
“No pie, Grammy, but I helped Momma make the muffins.”
Betty suddenly grabbed the tray and tossed it across the room. It hit the door with a loud crash, and the food spattered everywhere. Everyone jumped back, and Sheri began to cry. She ran to her mother who put an arm around her. “It’s okay, honey. We’ll clean it up.”
“Why is Grammy mad? Is it because she wanted pie?”
“No. She’s not feeling well.” Danielle turned to Mildred. “Can you please take my daughter downstairs? And, Cathy, would you mind getting some rags and paper towels from the kitchen?”
Mildred put an arm on Sheri. “Come with me, sweetie.” Sheri followed her from the room. Cathy, shocked from what had happened, said, “I’ll get what you need, but is she okay?”
Danielle had gone to her mother’s side. The woman’s eyes were wide. “Where is the pie? What have you done with him?”
Him? Cathy knew the woman was confused but giving food a gender was too strange. Danielle turned to her. “Please excuse, grandmother. She’s talking about the horse in National Velvet, Elizabeth Taylor’s film.”
“Don’t talk about me when I’m in the room. I was great in that film. It was one of my favorites.”
As Danielle tried to calm down her grandmother, Cathy slipped out to get the cleaning supplies. She needed to watch her step, as the egg splatter blocked part of the doorway.
“What a mess,” she thought. “literally.” She felt bad for Danielle and even worse for Sheri. She heard the girl still crying when she got downstairs. Mildred was trying to comfort her with cookies.

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