Saturday, September 16, 2023

Book Blitz: All Manner of Beast & Man by Damien Kane Rigden



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Following a stay in an inpatient psychiatric facility, Olivia is enrolled in a luxurious mental health recovery center to regain control of her mind and get her life back on track. With seemingly endless amenities and a new best friend as her roommate, has Olivia found a new personal heaven? Or is there something more sinister lurking behind the glossy exterior?



About the Author

I am a New England based author and artist. I have written in a few different genres, however, all of my stories have common elements of suspense and dread. My background is a mix of engineering, architecture and studio art classes. I have been fortunate enough to find a balance in my life where I can keep exploring the line between my technical and creative interests.

I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. After WPI, I spent some time studying architecture at the BAC in Boston. I have taken classes at the Currier Museum and New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester, NH. I also studied reduction woodcut printmaking for a year and a half at Piscataqua Fine Arts in Portsmouth, NH.

In 2019 I took my first foray into literature by writing a Sci-Fi thriller novelette based around global warming called 'Swan Song'.

My pandemic project, from early 2020 to August 2021 was a pair of books. The first one, Bell's Codex is an action adventure novel about solving a book which has been encrypted in a secret code. The second one, my magnum opus, is the ACTUAL encrypted book from the story. The puzzle is real and you can solve it yourself.

In April of 2022 I released a suspense/thriller/horror novella entitled "All Manner of Beast & Man."

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