Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Book Blitz - The Hart of God,The End of Days by Lawrence R. Deering

The Hart of God,
The End of Days
Lawrence R. Deering

Fiction / Thriller / Apocalyptic / Christian
Publisher: Manhattan Book Group
Publication Date: July 14, 2024
Page count: 409 pages


Successful, college educated men in their twenties and thirties are admitted to psychiatric institutions claiming to be angels in a satanic army. They know their rank, mission, and commanding officer. Many had no prior religious background. Friends, Jonathan Hart, a reporter, and Charles Atwater, a psychologist collaborate on studying these patients with Angelic Psychotic Disorder. They discover that what they call the Dark Angel movement has people placed in the highest levels of government. The book examines the ease of which a charismatic leader promising peace could persuade people to give up their individual rights. It questions the strength of faith, what normal people are capable of when confronted with enormous challenge, and the impact on individual relationships.



Lawrence R. Deering spent more than forty years as a healthcare executive. His first novel Youth Group, was based on his experiences in the Southern Baptist church. The Spider Web Charmer featured Michael and Michelle Crawford, married private detectives with unique abilities chasing down a serial killer.

He wrote The Brotherhood, The Hart of John, (the New Apocalypse), and The Hart of God, (the End of Days) all part of the Hart trilogy.

He is an avid audiophile and enjoys listening to his rock vinyl record collection. He lives with his wife, Lisa, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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