Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Book Review: Kayan Goes to Mumbai (Kayan Goes, #4) by Rohit S. Loomba, illustrated by Margherita Passarini

Kayan Goes to MumbaiKayan Goes to Mumbai by Rohit Loomba
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cute, colorful, and fun!

In Kayan Goes to Mumbai, a young child prepares to travel across the world and visit family in the city of Mumbai, the most populous city in India. After a long plane ride, he lands in this amazing city and, once there, experiences all its exciting sights and sounds.

Kayan Goes to Mumbai is the latest children’s travel picture book in author Rohit S. Loomba’s Kayan Goes series for young ones. The illustrations are eye-catching and inspiring, and their beautiful colors make the scenes come alive. The main character is Kayan, and he’s so authentic and enthusiastic about his new destination and what he finds there, even when he’s about to step in something he really wants to avoid! The story takes him to iconic locations as well as to everyday places where he can visit with family.

This book is a great way to excite and prepare children who are about to make a trip to this large (and what could be overwhelming) city. It would also be suitable as a fun story to share in pre-school when discovering different countries.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy via Netgalley.

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