Thursday, January 02, 2025

Review Tour & Giveaway: Dragon of Denmark (Valiant Vikings, #1) by Jennifer Ivy Walker

Valiant Vikings, Book One
Jennifer Ivy Walker

Viking romance paranormal fantasy
Publisher: Green Mermaid Publications
Publication Date: October 5, 2024
Page count: 322 pages



Skårde the Scourge, bastard son of the Danish king Harald Bluetooth, is a fierce Viking warlord who earned the prestigious title Dragon of Denmark through victorious battles and lucrative Viking raids. When his royal father announces that Skårde will forge a Viking alliance through an arranged marriage to the daughter of Richard the Fearless, the Dragon of Denmark considers the voyage to Normandy an infuriating banishment.
Illegitimate daughter of Richard the Fearless, the Viking Duke of Normandy, Ylva is a Druid priestess and Celtic healer with the otherworldly gift of sight. She learns that she must leave her Breton village behind and travel to Normandy, where she will marry the Viking brute that she has foreseen in a terrifying vision.
When the Frankish king, determined to drive the Vikings from Normandy, attacks and seizes Richard’s clifftop fortress, the Dragon of Denmark must ally with Ljósálfar Light Elves, a Viking völva with powerful seiðr magic, and a vitki-- a shapeshifting sorcerer who can assume the form of a falcon--to reclaim the ducal palace.
Dragon of Denmark is a sizzling, scintillating blend of historical fiction, Norse mythology, paranormal fantasy, and steamy Viking romance!



In the depths of his turbulent gaze, dark and violent as the stormy sea, swirling waves engulfed her, as if filling every empty recess of her parched soul with Divona’s healing waters. 

Laguz. The Nordic rune for my element of water. It flows in Skårde’s deep blue eyes. And, like the vision in the sea cave of the thunderbolt I saw blazed across his chest, his sizzling current ripples through my veins. How can he have this effect on me? I’m inexplicably drawn to him. A magnetic pull I cannot escape. Yet, he is a Viking brute. Like the Norse raiders who pillaged my Breton village and the Viking father who captured, conquered, and claimed my Celtic mother. The loathsome enemy I now despise.


Enthralled with legends of medieval knights and ladies, dark fairy tales, and fantasies about Druids, wizards and magic, Jennifer Ivy Walker always dreamed of becoming a writer. She fell in love with French in junior high school, continuing her study of the language throughout college, eventually becoming a high school teacher and college professor of French.
Her debut novel, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven, won numerous awards, including the Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal for Fantasy, the Independent Author Network Book of the Year 2023 for Paranormal/Supernatural, and the American Fiction Awards Winner 2023 for Paranormal Romance. The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven trilogy won the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewers’ Choice 2023 First Place Award for Series in the Myth/Fantasy Romance category. Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle, a spinoff of her trilogy, is the American Fiction Awards Winner 2024 for Best Historical Romance and the Raven Awards Winner 2024 for Fantasy Romance.
Dragon of Denmark, her newest novel, is a steamy Viking paranormal romance between a Celtic Breton priestess—the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Normandy, Richard the Fearless-- and the Viking brute known as the Dragon of Denmark, bastard son of the Danish King Harald Bluetooth. 
Set in tenth century Normandy, Dragon of Denmark is book 1 of the Valiant Vikings series, an epic paranormal fantasy incorporating history, Celtic and Nordic myths and legends, and sizzling Viking romance.


5 stars!

Exciting and enthralling start to this new historical romance series. 

The Dragon of Denmark is the first book in author Jennifer Ivy Walker’s new Valiant Vikings historical romance series and what a fabulous beginning it is! Engaging, sympathetic characters, a history-rich plot with a wonderful romance, and paranormal mythical elements combine for a fantastic story that I didn’t want to end! 

The main characters, Ylsa Rikardsdðttir and Skårde Haraldsson, come from different worlds but have much in common. Both the illegitimate children of 10th-century political heavy hitters, they are forced together to forge an alliance between their people. She’s a Druidic priestess and Celtic healer, the daughter of a Breton healer and Viking conqueror Richard the Fearless. When Richard abandoned Ylsa and her mother for a more advantageous Christian marriage, they became village outcasts, the symbol to their former neighbors of their Viking subjugation. Reading of her younger days was heartwrenching as she and her mother were both blamed for a situation, not of their making. I loved the descriptions of her preparations of herbal remedies and potions, learning magical spells and skills from Úlvhild, and her devotion to Divona and the visions she experienced. 

Skårde is the son of Harald Bluetooth, the King of Denmark, and a captured concubine. Although reared to lead his people, the heir to his father’s throne, when the king marries, and the union produces another son, Skårde is set aside in favor of the now legitimate heir. Skårde, though, decides to excel in the service of his father and his people as their greatest warrior. But when he’s promised to wed to seal a political alliance in far-off Normandy, he’s deeply hurt, outraged, knowing he’s being sent to the far reaches of his father’s influence to neutralize his potential as a threat to much younger half-brother’s future. Skårde is an accomplished warrior and leader of men who has never been interested in colonizing or farming, let alone matrimony, and feels dishonored and trapped. However, he, once again, steps up to the plate. I loved his studied acceptance of this and Ylsa’s shared fate, his kindness and gentle, surprising gestures of understanding of her fears, and the scorching kisses they share early on as he and his bride begin to learn about each other. I especially enjoyed how Skårde’s grandmother, Gyda, and her people did so much to ease Ylsa’s feelings throughout this arranged and unwanted marriage, taking her under their wings as if she were one of their own. 

Besides romance, the plot is filled with intrigue, suspenseful political machinations, myth, and magic, putting everyone in danger. The expansive cast of characters includes fictional and historical figures, and the descriptions of life at that time and in those places of the story were vivid and immersive. I didn’t want anything to interrupt me while I was reading, first because of all the interesting, detailed world-building and then because I was so caught up in what was going to happen with these characters that I’d become so invested. 

I recommend THE DRAGON OF DENMARK to readers of historical fiction who enjoy mythical, magical, and paranormal elements, as well as those who enjoyed the recent Viking series on television.


Jennifer Ivy Walker will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting and reviewing.

    1. Thank you very much for organizing this fabulous promotional tour for Dragon of Denmark!

  2. Thank you for the review.

    1. I am grateful for this review, too. Isn't it fabulous? I hope it encourages others to read it as well!

  3. Thank you so very much for this incredible review of Dragon of Denmark! I am thrilled that you loved my novel because it was a totally new genre for me as an author. Your review was a fabulous boost of encouragement and affirmation for me as a writer.

    Book 2 of the Valiant Vikings series--Wolf of the Nordic Seas--will be published very soon! Thank you again for this wonderful review!

  4. Artwork is amazing, congrats!

  5. What inspires your writing?

  6. Great excerpt and giveaway.

  7. Do you have a favorite book from childhood?

  8. This looks like a great read. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Here's to an amazing weekend!

  10. What do you enjoy in your spare time?

  11. Nina Lewis10:01 PM

    That's a great cover! Sounds so good too. Thank you for the excerpt & your review! :)

  12. What are your writing goals for 2025?

  13. What are your favorite winter activities?

  14. The book sounds very intriguing. I love the cover.

  15. What does literary success look like to you?

  16. How do you decide what stories are worth telling?

  17. How was your inspiration evolved over time?

  18. What's the most enjoyable part of writing for you?

  19. Do you believe literature has the power to unite people?

  20. What responsibility do authors have to their readers?

  21. How did you choose the title of this book?

  22. Do you read book reviews?

  23. What research did you conduct for this book, and did you uncover anything surprising or fascinating?
