by Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester
December 2, 2024 - January 10, 2025 Virtual Book Tour

The extraordinary story of a young fisherman who became the Founding Father of Christianity, the most influential and enduring institution in history.
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He’s one of the most well-known figures in cultures around the world, etched into stained glass, painted in frescoes, even caricatured as standing at the gates of heaven with a long white beard and keys in hand. But long before he was portrayed as a venerated and untouchable figure, Peter was simply known as Simon, a twenty-something fisherman in a far-flung Jewish province controlled by the Roman Empire.
Loyal and faithful, impetuous and passionate, Simon’s quiet life is upended by the arrival of a man called Jesus of Nazareth, rumored to be the long-awaited Messiah who would rescue the Jewish people from oppression. When Simon meets Jesus, the mysterious man tells him, “You will be Peter,” a prophetic statement that would slowly transform Simon’s life. Eager to be free of the Romans, Simon joins Jesus in hopes that he can guard this leader who will, undoubtedly, build an army to challenge Rome. But as Simon waits for the army to form, he watches Jesus show a compassion for others Simon has never seen before. The miracles Jesus performs—healing the sick, feeding crowds of thousands—show not a display of military might, but of service and love.
Real, relatable and impeccably researched, You Will Be Peter draws on the four Gospel accounts to weave Simon Peter’s story into one seamless tapestry. Readers get a front-row seat to Simon’s three-year walk with Jesus, as Simon watches the Son of Man feed the hungry, raise the dead, upend the status quo and challenge the elite during one of world history’s most pivotal seasons.
In perhaps one of the greatest miracles, we can see ourselves in Simon, this ordinary man Jesus chose to accompany Him. Simon wasn’t well-educated, but he was faithful and headstrong. Though he could rush to judgment and use a foul word from time to time, he was the kind of friend who loved fiercely and was doggedly loyal—until he wasn’t. Although he failed, Simon wasn’t cast away from Jesus’ mission. In fact, his failures and subsequent redemption made him a more empathetic and capable rock upon whom the Church was built.
With storytelling artistry that transports readers to the first-century world, with the sights, sounds, and smells of that time, You Will Be Peter shares an age-old story told from a new set of eyes: it’s possible for one ordinary person, however unlikely, to change the world forever.
Praise for You Will Be Peter:
"There can be no doubt that Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester are gifted and talented writers . . . and You Will Be Peter is a perfect example."
~ Joan van Ark, actress, Knots Landing
"Thoroughly researched and biblically accurate, You Will Be Peter is an exciting, emotional roller coaster into the life of the man who became the ‘rock’ upon which the Christian faith would be established."
~ Robert F. Barrow, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, ret.
"What a thought-provoking way these authors have made Peter come alive by asking the same questions I ask myself every day: What did Jesus ever see in me? and He must have seen something I either lost or can no longer see in myself. Even today, we as Christians must all ask ourselves these same two questions. Great job! I look forward to your writings on all the disciples."
~ Jerry Carl, US Congressman, Alabama’s first district
"In You Will Be Peter, Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester expertly weave history, faith, and redemption into an emotionally charged biography. With meticulous research and storytelling artistry, this unique perspective reveals the real person behind the legend—a journey of transformation that will resonate with readers for generations to come."
~ Orsayor L. Simmons, book blogger, Book Referees
"In You Will Be Peter, Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester tell the story of Jesus’s final years as seen through the eyes of his disciple Simon. Regardless of your belief system, you will relate to Simon, an Everyman who contends with questions, doubts, and awe as he joins the band of brothers surrounding and supporting Jesus. Lathan and Manchester humanize Simon, allowing readers to experience what he and his fellow apostles experienced—while bringing history to vivid life. An absorbing read!"
~ Judith Arnold, USA Today bestselling author
"You Will Be Peter is pure inspiration! Lathan and Manchester expertly articulate this biblical history, immersing the reader in the past... You Will Be Peter is a story of belief, faith, love, and, most importantly, the ultimate sacrifice."
~ Shannon L. Gonzalez, book blogger, Literarily Illumined
Book Details:
Genre: Historical Biographical Novel
Published by: Forefront Books
Publication Date: November 19, 2024
Number of Pages: 400
ISBN: 9781637633472 (ISBN10: 1637633475)
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | BookBub | Simon & Schuster
Read an excerpt:
Six Stone Jars
All six travelers arrived in the village of Cana late that Wednesday afternoon. As they traversed the final hill, the valley revealed more orchards and crop fields. Galilee really is beautiful, Simon confirmed. Hopefully, its vineyards produce wines that are just as fine. He was still smiling as they grew closer to the houses huddled together on the hillside.
As they approached the village, the sounds of children’s laughter and joyful conversations were intermixed with the loveliest music. Even the braying donkey sounded happy.
Simon was marveling at the masonry workmanship of the larger buildings, carved from limestone and granite, when Jesus announced, “It appears that we’ve arrived in time.” The rabbi’s smile revealed that he wasn’t surprised.
The traditional wedding procession from the bride’s father’s home to the bridegroom’s was underway. While the minstrel troop played at the front of the convoy, a squad of servants handed out dates to children along the road and wine to those of a more seasoned age.
A young girl, her dark, curly hair protruding from behind a white bridal veil, walked alone. Some of her relatives carried sprays of flowers, while others bore lit torches.
Wonderful, Simon thought. He loved his Jewish customs and celebrations.
Dusk was starting to creep in, as the parade’s onlookers clapped and praised the bride’s semi-concealed beauty. Jesus, Simon, and the others applauded before joining the back of the line, proceeding on to the bridegroom’s home, where the young man would carry his betrothed over the threshold of their new marital home.
Upon arrival, Jesus gestured for his disciples to remove their sandals at the outer door, before proceeding onto the courtyard, which was being used as the reception hall.
From the first step in, Simon was impressed by the stone courtyard, which had been decorated for the great celebration. Adorned in ornamental rugs and cushioned couches, low tables were arranged for the guests to dine; each person would be expected to lay on one elbow with their feet positioned away from the table.
While servants scurried to and fro, carrying food and drink, Simon and his brethren washed their hands and feet, complying with the precepts of the ancient law. Upon drying their extremities, each was officially welcomed with a cup of water drawn from one of the large stone jars.
The sweet notes of a talented musical duo permeated the warm air, the harp and flute creating a simple but elegant symphony.
Quenching his thirst, Simon looked around. Flowers, he noted, there are flowers everywhere. He nodded his appreciation. They’ve turned this courtyard into a garden.
Beyond a table overlaid with bowls of fruits and nuts—even a stack of sweet date cakes—Simon spotted the intricately decorated Chuppah. Ivy, flowers, and greens were wrapped around four legs that had been fashioned from cedar timbers, approximately eight feet in height. It was just wide enough to host the bride, bridegroom, and officiating rabbi. The entire wooden frame was covered in a canopy of flowers—yellow, white, pink, and red—which had been strung together to create breathtaking strands of garland.
The sight of it instantly brought Simon’s thoughts back to his wife. No, he scolded himself, quickly pushing the melancholy out of his head. I’m here now, and I need to be here…and she understands.
Catching the first whiff of roasting lamb, Simon turned to see Jesus and an older woman locked in a lengthy embrace. He needed no introduction to understand the scene. She’s his mother.
Mary was beauty in its purest form. She was not tall, but above medium height. Her oval face was slightly bronzed by the sun. Beneath black, slightly arched brows sat a pair of gentle, olive-colored eyes. Her hair was light and her nose slender, much like her hands. But there’s something more, Simon thought, considering it. She has an unmistakable aura, he finally decided, a striking beauty that can only come from within. He studied the embracing pair further, while they swayed in each other’s arms. And she must be the most beautiful woman, having given birth to the Messiah.
Breaking from the hug, Jesus and Mary held hands, exchanging a long, blissful look that revealed more about their sacred bond than any words ever could.
Jesus then turned to face his disciples. “Mother,” he said, “I would like you to meet my students.”
Without thinking, Simon was the first to step forward.
Jesus smiled. “Mother, this is Simon Peter.”
Rock? Simon swallowed hard, as he considered the peculiar title.
“Simon,” Jesus said, “this is my mother, Mary.”
It was the second time in the simple fisherman’s life that he could feel the air leave his lungs, only to remain lost while he fumbled for the right words. Silence.
Mary was gracious, even angelic. “I hope my son is taking good care of you?” she jumped in.
Simon smiled. “He is,” he managed.
As though offering her blessing, she nodded once.
John was the next to step forward, while Simon’s mind spun in circles. What must it be like to be the mother of the Messiah? he wondered, seeking out one of the servants for another cup of water. And what will it take for the rest of us to truly follow him?
Excerpt from You Will Be Peter by Jerry Lathanand Steven Manchester. Copyright 2025 by Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester. Reproduced with permission from Jerry Lathan and Steven Manchester. All rights reserved.
Author: Jerry Lathan

Jerry Lathan brings a wealth of knowledge in telling the remarkable story of Simon Peter. Combining his lifelong interest of history with a decade of research, Jerry has unearthed missing details on the evolution of Simon—the brash fisherman who became Peter. Over forty-plus years, Jerry’s national award-winning construction company has preserved and restored historic churches and other structures and national monuments. His deep interest in the lives of historic characters is central to his calling to author You Will Be Peter. From Jerry’s time as co-owner of Big Easy Studios in New Orleans where more than twelve major movies were filmed, he understands the incredible power of a good story. In this book, the culmination of his life’s work, Jerry shares the real and relatable story of Simon Peter, the very flawed man whom Jesus chose to build His church.
Catch Up With Jerry Lathan:
Amazon Author Profile
Author: Steven Manchester
Co-Author Steven Manchester is the author of the soul-awakening novel The Menu as well as the 1980s nostalgia-series Bread Bags & Bullies and Lawn Darts & Lemonade. Other works include the #1 bestsellers Twelve Months, The Rockin’ Chair, Pressed Pennies, and Gooseberry Island; the national bestsellers Ashes, The Changing Season, and Three Shoeboxes; the multi-award winning novels Dad and Goodnight Brian; and the heartwarming Christmas movie The Thursday Night Club. His work has appeared on NBC’s TODAY and CBS’s The Early Show; and in Billboard and People magazines. Three of Steven's short stories were selected for “101 Best” for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He is a multi-produced playwright as well as the winner of the 2017 Los Angeles Book Festival, 2018 New York Book Festival, 2020 New England Book Festival.
Catch Up With Steven Manchester:
Amazon Author Profile
Finely woven historical biographical novel of the first leader of the Christian church.
You Will Be Peter is a new historical biographical novel by Jerry Lathan with Steven Manchester about the life and legacy of Simon bar Jonas, the man who history and the world would come to know as St. Peter. The authors breathe life into renowned historical figures, the descriptions of life at that time, the fabled settings and events of Jesus's earthly ministry, and the immediate aftermath, creating a vibrant and rich tale that had me engaged and emotionally connected from start to finish. Readers who are well familiar with the events will be just as mesmerized by the story as those who are not.
The authors begin by establishing Simon's humble background, including providing a much-needed picture of the young wife he will leave behind over and over again in order to follow the Messiah. The story unfolds from multiple points of view, and readers will gain an understanding of Simon's hopes and dreams as a happy young man, making a living as a fisherman from the Sea of Galilee alongside his brother Andrew and best friends, John and James, and later, as he becomes a disciple of Christ and a confidante.
I appreciated how well the events he witnessed and that were recorded in source documents, such as the Bible, are presented in an understandable, chronological order so that their spatial relationships made much better sense. Also, the authors do a great job distinguishing the major figures who had similar soundings or identical names at times. The ins and outs of daily life were interesting, and the disciples' faithful reliance on Jesus to provide for their needs, and did, was told in such a matter-of-fact and easy-to-see manner. The miracles happen throughout the story, both before and after Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, and as Peter begins his own ministry. There is suspense and heartbreak along the way, and it evokes a lot of emotion in the reading.
I recommend YOU WILL BE PETER to readers of biblical fiction, historical
fiction, or historical biographical novels, especially those interested in the
lives of Christ, Peter, and the disciples and the founding of Christianity.
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Fabulous review! This sounds like a very interesting book.