Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Review Tour & Giveaway: My Dead True Love by Kim Pierce

My Dead True Love
Kim Pierce

Metaphysical & Visionary / Women's Friendships
Publisher: Lucobu Books
Publication Date: October 15, 2022
Page Count: 397 pages



When a newspaper reporter’s fiancĂ© dies abruptly, she questions how he could just cease to be.

Dogged by unbidden thoughts, odd coincidences and unexplained phenomena, Ann Stewart becomes obsessed with finding out what really happens after we die and whether her beloved Gregory is still out there. She finds her answer, which takes her and a close-knit coterie of women to the edge of the cosmos—and the core of their own hearts.

Based on a true story.



“Hello, and welcome to our lab,” Dr. Koslow said, radiating confidence and pride. 
“Let me walk you through what will happen. You and I will go into the chamber and get comfortably seated in the two chairs. Adrian will hook us up to the monitors and, as we go through the synchronized-sound sequence, he’ll use the monitors to track everything that’s happening to our physical bodies. Physiologically, it will resemble sleep. But it’s not. Also, I can assure you that you will be in good hands. He and I have both done this many times.”
I wanted to believe him, and again I had the impression of a calm, steady pilot. But no matter what he said I still had that chattering sensation in my teeth and felt as if tremors were going off in my body.
I worried: Could I overcome my fears and do this? Or would I completely wash out? Would I get “out,” only to be unable to get back in? Connie had spent hours preparing me for this, showing me how to focus on my breathing and quiet my monkey mind, but… I still felt so utterly unprepared. And my questions persisted: How would I know Gregory? What would he look like? Would he see me? Could we touch? What if I didn’t want to leave?
Connie moved close to me and slid her arm through mine.
“I know you’re still scared,” she said. “Just trust the process and do the best you can.”

5 stars!

Gut-wrenching but ultimately a story of hope.
My Dead True Love by author Kim Pierce unfolds the story of a woman who loses her beloved to a sudden and fatal heart attack in such a realistic manner that I connected to the main character like I knew her personally. The storytelling is pure poetry.
This is a book full of thick, palpable emotion, starting with a gut punch when Ann first hears of Gregory’s death. The description of her learning the news was so vivid and mirrored so closely my own experiences of that initial hearing of a personal loss that there was no way I was able to set the book down without reading to its conclusion. The story was absolutely compelling from start to finish.
Even as Ann begins her journey of loss and grief, she takes on the responsibility for the inevitable tasks and decisions that must be made after a loved one’s death. These are not easy, even if a death is imminent and long expected, but in her case, Gregory’s death is a complete shock. Her thoughtful consideration of what happens later on in the afterlife leads to more questions. Her search for the truth kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering where the story would go. Ultimately, though, the story is one of hope. 

I recommend MY DEAD TRUE LOVE to readers who have questions and have lost someone they love.


Kim Pierce is a former Dallas Morning News writer and editor who completed the Writer’s Path fiction program at Southern Methodist University. This is her first novel, inspired by events surrounding the death of her fiancĂ© in 1998. She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her partner and three cats.


Kim Pierce will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC, to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The book sounds intriguing. Great cover!

  2. I like the cover. Looks really good. Sounds like a good story.

  3. You are a new author for me- after reading the book excerpt I would like to read this interesting book-thanks
