Monday, June 24, 2024

Review Tour & Giveaway: Threat (The City of the Magicians, #1) by Peter Gribble

The City of the Magicians, Book One
Peter Gribble

Publisher: Tellwell Talent
Publication Date: November 18, 2020
Page count: 314 pages



"A Journey Without Departure" is the traditional term for a telepathic sending. It is a talent few can perform yet this is the strategy the City of the Magicians—non-violent pacifists, without army or weapons—hopes will mitigate the barbarian invasion coming in six months. The plan could work, but then maybe not. Sas, the young man chosen to "educate the barbarian," can only think, Me? Sendings? They've made a mistake!

Lalya, a City librarian searching for her dead lover's vanished manuscript, is ensnared by a secret society planning to collaborate with the same barbarians. Attempts to extricate herself from the blackmail, double-dealing, seduction and betrayal force her to realize her final treachery could very well destroy her.

Shoan, the Council strategist, is fully aware a shadowy opposition lurks behind the scenes but is stymied how to lure it out into the open. He should remember one of the basic axioms of tactics is, "Methodology is seldom prepared for surprises."Both Sas and Lalya are pawns in the strategies of others... yet it only takes a pawn to change the game.

Threat, the first book in The City of the Magicians series, reveals all the preparations for a barbarian arrival, but when strategies collide, will anyone be ready? Will anyone be safe?


Get the rest of the books in “The City of Magicians" series on Amazon!

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Naked and surrounded by cowled, robed figures, Lalya knew there was no choice.
Choice vanished two years ago after Jumeyat disappeared. She had waited hours for him to show up in Pilgrims Park where they had met a month earlier, but he never came. First-love’s anguish soared to alarm and, once home, she walked her room until her father, Kseyad, demanded from outside her doors, “What are you sickening after?”

Next morning, she slipped down into the outer City to find out what she could without alerting the gossips. Kseyad would never approve of Jumeyat as her potential companion, for his inability to shore up the Family fortunes. 

Jumeyat lived in a rickety pilgrim’s house north of the Break in the Wall. The lady proprietress admitted she had not seen him for days, and thought his absence odd given his quiet, regular habits and the few belongings still in his room. She was mostly concerned about the unpaid rent for the waning half of the month. 

At different times over following days, Lalya paid additional Calls. 

“Back again? Not seen him. You must’ve been companions,” the landlady insisted.

4 stars!

Intricate world-building and an intriguing tale of magic and geopolitical threat. 

Threat is the first book in author Peter Gribble’s epic fantasy series, The City of the Magicians. I enjoy fantasy tales, in general, and I really like it when multiple storylines unfold featuring engaging characters with distinct voices and plot trajectories before merging. This book does just this while the author slowly reveals the immensity and grandeur of the fantasy world he’s envisioned for us. 

Young partial Deliberator Sas quickly became my favorite character, and Lalya came in a close second, though they are as different as night and day. However, both begin their stories in a state of naivete, learning quickly from those around them who manipulate events to fit their own agendas. I truly enjoyed the unique concept of “the sending, the journey without departure,” and was worried about the toll it exacts on those involved. 

The author has developed an amazingly complex world, and readers are dropped right into the middle of a fully formed society with little exposition. This immediate immersion in such an unfamiliar setting may not be for everyone; it made reading difficult for me initially. The characters’ names are foreign, the dialogue contains strange new words, and the location is completely unfamiliar; there are few comfortable anchors to help readers gain their footing. However, repeated use of unfamiliar terminology in context soon eased the feeling of being off-balance, and I was able to get into the story and its unfolding intrigue and impending threat. 

I don’t know if I can ever do justice to the author’s amazing creativity in giving readers such a complex and fully formed world right from the start. This imaginary culture is robust and multilayered, with an extensive history and long-hidden literature of the arcane. There were often FOOTNOTES that CITED these ancient tomes: titles, authors, and all. I soon became invested in what would happen to these very likable characters, and the pace of the story naturally picked up as they, and others, became familiar to me. I was compelled to keep reading to find out how their separate stories would eventually converge and resolve. However, at the tale’s end, there is still a lot of story yet to be told. 

I recommend THREAT to fantasy readers looking for something fresh and different and, perhaps, a little more challenging. 


Peter Gribble studied art at Sheridan and psychology at U of T. He has written for NUVO and other publications in British Columbia, including gardening columns for two journals for over ten years.

To find out more about Peter’s exciting book series visit


Peter Gribble will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting and reviewing THREAT.

  2. This looks very promising. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

  3. This sounds like a great story.

  4. Great excerpt and giveaway. :)

  5. Sounds like a good book.

  6. Can you describe your writing process?

  7. "Threat" by Peter Gribble is an exciting fantasy novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With captivating characters and a gripping plot, it's a must-read for any fantasy fan!

  8. Great review!! Sounds like a captivating read!!
